PhD Student (funding: Metrodiver)
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques CP-221
Boulevard du Triomphe
B-1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 (0)26505715
Fax: +32 (0)26505993
Research Interests
My research firstly aims to determine the effect of conservational tools such as Marine protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean Sea on the composition and functionality of gut microbiome of the common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris). Secondly, it will define the correlation between the protection of the functional diversity of the fish gut microbiome and the preservation of fish health and more generally ecosystem service delivery. In order to address these two objectives, Metagenomic/Metatrascriptomic analysis will be performed on samples of Diplodus vulgaris‘ gut microbiome collected in three MPAs of the Mediterranean Sea and the information obtained regarding taxonomical composition and functional diversity of these communities will be correlated with metadata regarding fish health status and marine protected areas’ features collected during the field campaign.
Thesis: Taxonomical and functional traits of the common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris) gut microbiome in Mediterranean marine protected areas.
Supervisor: Isabelle George