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I. George, A. Anzil, P. Servais. (2004). Quantification of fecal coliform inputs to aquatic systems through soil leaching. Water Research 38: 611-618.

Antajan, E., M.-J. Chrétiennot-Dinet, C. Leblanc, M.-H. Daro et C. Lancelot. 2004. 19’hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin may not be the appropriate pigment to trace occurrence and fate of Phaeocystis : the case of P. globosa in Belgian coastal waters. Journal of Sea Research. 52 : 165-177.


Even, S., Poulin, M, Mouchel, J.M., Seidl, M. & Servais, P. 2004. Modelling oxygen deficits in the Seine river downstream of combined sewer overflows. Ecological modelling. 173 (2-3): 177-196.

George, I., Anzil, A. & Servais, P. 2004. Quantification of fecal coliforms inputs to aquatic systems through soil leaching. Water Research. 38 : 611-618.


Garcia Armisen, T. & Servais, P. 2004. Enumeration of viable E. coli in rivers and wastewaters by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 58 : 269-279.


Garcia Armisen, T. & Servais, P. 2004. Combining direct viable count (DVC) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to enumerate viable E. coli in rivers and waste waters. Water Science and Technology. 50 : 271-275.


Gypens N., Lancelot, C. and Borges, A.V. 2004. Carbon dynamics and CO2 air-sea exchanges in the eutrophied coastal waters of the Southern Bight of the North Sea : a modelling study. Biogeosciences, 1, 147-157.


Lacroix, G., Ruddick, K., Ozer ; J. and C. Lancelot. 2004. Modelling the impact of the Scheldt and the Rhine/meuse plumes on the salinity distribution in Belgian waters (southern North Sea). Journal of Sea Research. 52 : 149-163.


Lancelot, C., Staneva, J., Gypens, N. 2004. Modelling the response of coastal ecosystem to nutrient change. Oceanis. 29(1-2) :183-208


Nola, M., Nijne, T., Boutin, C., Servais, P., Messouli, M, Togouet Zebaze, S.H., Kemka, N. & Ngo Bidjeck, L.M. 2004. Assessment of Streptococcus faecalis retention capacity by equatorial soil horizons in Cameroon (Central Africa). Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 140 : 7-17


Nola, M., Nijne, T., Boutin, C., Messouli, M., Servais, P., Foto Menbohan, S., Ngo Bidjeck, L.M., Zebaze Togouet, S.H. & Kemka, N. 2004. Rétention de Escherichia coli d’une eau d’infiltration en sol équatorial au Cameroun (Afrique Centrale) : rôle dedivers horizons de sol. Journal of Cameroon Academy of Sciences. 4 : 107-116


Servais, P., Anzil, A., Gatel, D. & Cavard, J. 2004. Biofilm in the Parisian suburbs drinking water distribution system. Aqua – Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. 53 : 313-324


Smith, Walker O. Jr., Lancelot, C. 2004. Bottom-up vs. Top-Down Control in Phytoplankton of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science Special issue The Role of the Southern Ocean in Global Processes: an Earth System Science Approach. 16(4): 517-531.


Vanaverbeke, J., Steyaert, M., Soetaert, K., Rousseau, V., Van Gansbeke, D., Parent J.-Y. and M. Vincx. 2004. Changes in structural and functional diversity of nematode communities during a spring phytoplankton bloom in the Southern North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 52: 281-292.



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Dehairs, F., Lancelot, C., Andre, L., Frankignoulle, M., Deleersnijder, E., Becquevort, S., Cardinal, D., Cattaldo, T., Delille, B., Elskens, M., Fagel, N., Goosse, H., Navez, J., Probst, G., Schoemann, V. 2003. An Integrated Approach to Assess Carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean. BELCANTO. In Marine Biota and Global Change report (1997-2001). OSTC publications pp59-160.

Gatel, D., Cotte, M., Pele, B., Mercier, M. & Servais, P. Nanofiltration : long term effect on distribution. Proceedings American Water Works Association Conference 2003.


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Laurent, P. Barbeau, B. Prévost, M. & Servais, P. 2003. A bench-scale evaluation of different treatment options to produce bio-stable drinking water. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 2 : 236-247.


Laurent, P., Kihn, A., Andersson, A. & Servais, P. 2003. Impact of backwashing on nitrification in biological activated carbon filters used in drinking water treatment. Environmen. Technol. 24 : 277-287.


Menon, P., Billen, G & Servais, P. 2003. Mortality rates of autochthonous and fecal bacteria in natural aquatic ecosystems. Water Research. 37 : 4151-4158.


Nola, M., Nijne, T., Servais, P., Messouli, M, Boutin, C., Monkiedje, A., Kemka, N., Zebaze, S.H.T. & Foto Menbohan, S. 2003. Evaluation de l’adsorption de deux bactéries fécales par l’horizon argilosableux et l’horizon quarzo-felspathique d’un sol ferralitique au Cameroun (Afrique Centrale). Revue de Génie et des Sciences de l’Environnement. 2 : 383-389.

Rousseau, V., Breton, E., de Wachter, B., Beji, A., Deconinck, M., Huijgh, J., Bolsens, T., Leroy, D., Jans, S., and Lancelot, C. 2003. Identification of Belgian maritime zones affected by Eutrophication (IZEUT). Final Report. OSTC publications.


Servais, P., Casamayor, E., Courties, C., Catala, P., Parthuisot, N. & Lebaron, P. 2003. Activity and diversity of high and low nucleic acid bacterial cells. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 33 : 41-51.

Tungaraza, C., Rousseau, V., Brion, N., Lancelot, C., Gichusi, J., Bayens, W & Goyens, L. 2003. Contrasting nitrogen uptake by diaton and Phaeocystis-dominated phytoplankton assembleges in the North Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 292(1): 19-41.

Tungaraza, C., Brion, N., Rousseau, V., Bayens, W & Goyens, L. 2003. Influence of bacterial activities on nitrogen uptake rates determined by the application of antobiotics. Oceanologia. 45(3): 473-489.

Tusseau-Vuillemin, M.H., Dispan, J., Mouchel, J.M. and Servais, P. 2003. Bodegradable fraction of organic carbon estimated under oxic and anoxic conditions. Water Research. 37: 2242-2247.

Touron, A., Berthe, T., Servais, P. & Petit, F. 2003. Contamination bactérienne d’origine fécale et présence d’Escherichia coli en estuaire de Seine (France). Journal de Recherche Oéanographique. 28 (1-2) : 127-134.


Beckers J.-M., Gregoire M., Nihoul J.C.J., Stanev E., Staneva J. and C. Lancelot. 2002 Modelling the Danube-influenced North-western continental shelf of the Black Sea: I Hydrodynamical processes simulated by 3D and box models. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.54: 453-472.


Becquevort S., Bouvier T., Lancelot C., Cauwet G., Deliat G., Egorov V. N. , Popovichev V.N. 2002. The seasonal modulation of the organic matter utilization by bacteria in the Danube-Black Sea mixing zone. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.54: 337-354.


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Cauwet, G., Déliat, G., Krastev, A., Shtereva, G., Becquevort, S., Lancelot, C., Momzikoff, A., Saliot, A., Cociastu, A. & Popa, L. 2002. Saesonal DOC accumulation in the Black Sea : a regional explanation for a general mechanism. Marine Chemistry. 79 : 193-205.


Cotte, M., Pele, B., Gatel, D., Cavard, J. & Servais, P. 2002. Distributed water quality after 3 years of nanofiltration. Proceedings Water Quality Technology Conference 2002 -American Water Works Association.

Descy J.P., Leporcq B., Viroux L., Cédric F. & Servais P. 2002. Phytoplankton production, exudation and bacterial reassimilation in the river Meuse (Belgium). Journal of Plankton Research. 24 : 161-166


George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2002. Fecal coliforms removal in wastewater treatment plants studied by plate counts and enzymatic methods. Wat. Res. 36: 2607-2617.


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Kihn, A., Andersson, A., Laurent, P., Servais, P. & Prévost, M. 2002. Impact of filtration material on nitrification in biological filters used in drinking water production. Journal of Water Supply, Research and Technology – Aqua. 51: 35-46


Lancelot, C., Rousseau, V., Schoemann, V. and S. Becquevort. 2002. On the ecological role of the different life forms of Phaeocystis. Proceedings of the EC workshop LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Calvia, Majorca, Spain, octobre 2001. Research in Enclosed Seas series. Vol 12 : 71-75.


Lancelot C., Martin, J-M., Panin, N., Zaitsev, Y. 2002. The north-western Black Sea: a pilot site to understand the complex interaction between human activities and the coastal environment. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 54 : 279-284


Lancelot, C., J. Staneva, D. Van Eeckhout, Beckers, J.M. & Stanev, E. 2002. Modelling the Danubeinfluenced North-western continental shelf of the Black Sea: II: Ecosystem response to changes in nutrient delivery by the Danube river after its damming in 1972. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 473-499.


Lebaron, P., Servais, P., Baudoux A.C., Bourrain M., Courties, C. & Parthuisot, N. 2002. Variations of bacterial specific activity with cell-size and nucleic acid content assessed by flow cytometry. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 28: 131-140.


Lein, A., Pimenov, N., Guillou, C., Martin, J.M., Lancelot, C., Rusanov, I., Yusupov, S., Miller, Yu. & Ivanov, M. 2002. Seasonal dynamics of sulphate reducing rate on the north-western Black Sea Shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 385-401.


Peltier, S., Benezet, M., Gatel, D. Cavard, J & Servais, P. 2002. Improvement of water quality in distribution system by nanofiltration treatment. Aqua – Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. 51 : 253-262.


Ragueneau, O., C. Lancelot, V. Egorov, J. Vervlimmeren, A. Cociasu, G. Deliat, A. Krastev, N. Daoud, V. Rousseau, V. Popovitchev, N. Brion, L. Popa and G. Cauwet. 2002. Biogeochemical transformations of inorganic nutrients in the mixing zone between the Danube river and the Northwestern Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 321-336.

Rompré, A., Laurent, P & Servais P. 2002. Détection et énumération des coliformes dans l’eau potable: une revue des méthodes existantes. Vecteur Environnement. 3 : 58-66

Rompré, A., Servais, P., Baudart, J., De Roubin, M.R. & Laurent, P. 2002. Methods of detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water : a review. J. Microbiol. Methods. 49(1): 31-54


Rousseau, V. 2002. The life cycle of HAB forming haptophytes. Proceedings of the EC workshop LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Calvia, Majorca, Spain, octobre 2001. Research in Enclosed Seas series. Vol. 12 : 22-26.


Rousseau, V., Leynaert, A., Daoud, N & Lancelot, C. 2002. Diatom succession, silicification and silicic acid availability in Belgian coastal waters (Southern North Sea). Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 236: 6173


Servais, P., Laurent, P. & Gatel, D. 2002. Removal of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon in BAC filters : a modelling approach. Proceedings of the IWA Conference on BAC filtration. Delft 2002.


Stanev, E. V., J. M. Beckers, C. Lancelot, J. V. Staneva, E., P.Y. Le Traon, L. Peneva and M. Gregoire 2002. Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: observations and modeling. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 601-620.


Trousselllier, M., Schaffer, H., Batailler, N., Bernard, L., Courties, C., Lebaron, P., Muyzer, G., Servais, P. and Vives-Rego J. 2002. Bacterial activity and genetic richness along an estuarine gradient (Rhône river plume, France). Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 28: 13-24.


Andersson, A., Laurent, P., Kihn, A., Prévost, M. & Servais, P. 2001. Impact of temperature on nitrification in biological filters used in drinking water production. Water Research. 35: 2923-2934


Becquevort S. & Smith W.O.Jr. 2001. Aggregation, sedimentation and biodegradability of phytoplankton-derived material during spring in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep Sea Research II: 41554178


Bouvier, T., Troussellier, M., Anzil, A., Courties, C. & Servais, P. 2001. Using light scatter signal to estimate bacterial biomass by flow cytometry. Cytometry. 44: 188-194


Garnier, J., Servais, P., Billen G, Akopian M. & Brion, N. 2001. Lower Seine river and estuary (France) carbon and oxygen budget during low flow. Estuaries. 24 : 964-976.


George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Use of rapid enzymatic assays to study the distribution of fecal coliforms in the Seine river (France). Water Science and Technology. 43(12): 7780


George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2001. Use of ß-D-galactosidase and ß-D-glucuronidase activities to estimate the microbiological contamination of wastewater. Can. J. Microbiol. 47 : 670-675.


George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Distribution of coliforms in the Seine river and estuary (France) Estuaries. 24 :984-1002


Hannon, E., Boyd, P.W., Silvoso, M., & C. Lancelot. 2001. Modeling the bloom evolution and carbon flows during SOIREE: Implications for future in situ iron-enrichments in the southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research-II 48: 2745-2773.


Lebaron, P., P. Servais, M. Troussellier, C. Courties, G. Muyzer, L. Bernard, H. Schäfer R. Pukall, E. Stackebrandt, T. Guindulain & J. Vives-Rego. 2001. Microbial community dynamics in Mediterranean nutrient enriched seawater mesocosms : changes in bacterial abundance, activity and composition. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 34 : 255-266.


Lebaron, P., Servais, P., Agogué, H., Courties, C. & Joux, F. 2001. Does the high nucleic-aid content of individual bacterial cells allow to discriminate active cells in aquatic systems ? Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67: 1775-1782.


Leynaert, A., P. Tréguer, C. Lancelot & M. Rodier. 2001. Silicon limitation of biogenic silica production in the Equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 48: 639-660.


Niquette, P., Servais, P. & Savoir, R. 2001. Bacterial dynamics in the drinking water distribution system of Brussels. Water Research. 35 : 675-682.


Olsen, Y., Reinertsen, H., Vadstein, O., Andersen, T., Gismervick, I., Duarte, C., Agusti, S., Stibor, H., Sommer, U.? Lignell, R., Tamminene, T., Lancelot, C., Rousseau, V., Hoell, E. & Sanderud, K.A. 2001. Comparative analysis of food web based on flow networks: effects of nutrient supply on structure and function of coastal plankton communities. Continental Shelf Research. 21: 2043-2053


Schäffer, H., L ; Bernard, C. Courties, P. Lebaron, P. Servais, R. Pukall, E. Stackebrandt, M. Troussellier, T. Guindulain, J. Vives-Rego & G. Muyzer. 2001. Microbial community dynamics in Mediterranean nutrient enriched seawater mesocosms : changes in the genetic diversity of bacterial populations. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 34 : 243-253.


Schoemann, V., R. Wollast, L. Chou and C. Lancelot. 2001. Effects of photosynthesis on the accumulation of Mn and Fe by Phaeocystis colonies. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46: 1065-1076.

Servais, P., Anzil, A. & Frébutte, D. 2001 Estimation de la biomasse bactérienne dans les efluents urbains par mesure de l’activité exoprotéolytique potentielle. Sciences de l’Eau. 14: 55-62.

Servais, P., Agogué, H., Courties, C., Joux, F. & Lebaron, P. 2001. Are the actively respiring cells (CTC+) those responsible of bacterial production in aquatic environments ? FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 35: 171-179.


Becquevort S, Menon, P., Lancelot, C. 2000. Differences of the protozoan biomass and grazing during spring and summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology. 5: 309-320


Bernard L., Courties C., Servais P.,Troussellier M., Petit, M. & Lebaron P. 2000. Relationships between bacterial cell size, productivity and genetic diversity in aquatic environments using cell sorting and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology. 40: 148-158.


Brion, N. & Billen G. 2000. Wastewater as a source of nitrifying bacteria in river systems: the case of the river Seine downstream from Paris. Water Research. 34: 3213-3221


de Jong, J. T. M., M. Boye, V. F. Schoemann, R. F. Nolting and H. J. W. de Baar. 2000. Shipboard techniques based on flow injection analysis for measuring dissolved Fe, Mn and Al in seawater. J. Environ. Monit. 2: 496-502.

Even S., J.M. Mouchel, P. Servais, P. Le Hir, B. Thouvenin, M. Poulin & J. Garnier. 2000. Suspended matter and ecological behaviour of rivers and estuaries. Conceptual and numerical modelling. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 238-241.

Gasparini, S., M.-H. Daro, E. Antajan, M. Tackx, V. Rousseau, J.-Y. Parent & C. Lancelot. 2000. Mesozooplankton grazing during the Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. J. Sea Res. 43: 345-356.

Garnier J., Billen G., Sanchez N. & Leporcq B. 2000. Ecological functioning of the Marne reservoir (upper Seine bassin, France). Regulated rivers: Research and management. 16: 51-71.

Gatel, D, Servais, P., Block, J.C., Bonne, P. & Cavard J. 2000. Microbiological water quality management in the Parisian suburbs distribution system. Aqua – Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. 49: 231-241.


George, I., M. Petit & P. Servais. 2000. Use of enzymatic methods for rapid enumeration of coliforms in freshwaters. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 88 : 404-413.

Kihn, A., Laurent P. & P. Servais. 2000. Measurement of fixed nitrifying biomass in biological filters used in drinking water production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24: 161-167.


Lancelot C., Hannon E., Becquevort S., Veth C. and H. J. W. de Baar. 2000. Modeling phytoplankton blooms and carbon export production in the Southern Ocean: Dominant controls by light and iron of the Atlantic sector in Autral spring 1992. Deep Sea Research-I, 47 : 1621-1662.


Niquette, P., P. Servais & R. Savoir. 2000. Impacts of pipe materials on densities of fixed bacterial biomass in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research. 34 : 1952-1956.


Petit, M., George, I. & Servais, P. 2000. Survival of Escherichia coli in freshwaters: ß-D glucuronidase activity measurements ans characterization of cellular states. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 46: 679-684.


Rousseau, V., S. Becquevort, J.Y. Parent, S. Gasparini, M.-H. Daro, M. Tackx & C. Lancelot. 2000. Trophic efficiency of the planktonic food web in a coastal ecosystem dominated by Phaeocystis colonies. J. Sea Res. 43:357-372.


Schäffer, H., P. Servais & G. Muyzer. 2000. Successional changes in the genetic diversity of a marine bacterial assemblage during confinement. Archives of Microbiology. 173 : 138-145.


Servais, P., Gosselain, V., Joaquim-Justo, C., Becquevort, S., Thomé, J.P. & Descy, J.P. 2000. Trophic relationships between planktonic micro-organisms in the river Meuse (Belgium): a carbon budget. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 149: 625-653.