Boris Wittek

Photo B.Wittek

PhD student (funding: FRIA-FNRS)

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Écologie des Systèmes Aquatiques CP-221

Boulevard du Triomphe

B-1050 Bruxelles

Phone: +32 (0)26505988

Fax: +32 (0)26505993


Research interests


My research project aims to improve our understanding of the sea ice sulfur cycle. The main objective is to quantify the intracellular response in terms of DMSP and DMSO production of sea ice microalgae to the seasonal environmental stress of the brine habitat. To reach this objective, I perform controlled experiments with cell cultures of Fragilariopsis cylindrus and Phaeocystis Antarctica, two microalgae which are characteristic of polar waters.


Supervisor: Jean Louis Tison       Co-supervisor: Nathalie Gypens