Lorenzo Proia

Lorenzo Proia site


Postdoc Researcher (funding: F.R.S.-FNRS)

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Écologie des Systèmes Aquatiques CP-221

Boulevard du Triomphe

B-1050 Bruxelles

Phone: +32 (0)26505924

Fax: +32 (0)26505993

Email: lorenzo.proia@ulb.ac.be

Research interests


– Ecology of freshwater systems particularly focusing on the role of microbial
communities in ecosystem functioning.
– Study of the effects of multiple stressors associated to global change on freshwater microbial communities with particular emphasis on the consequences at ecosystem level.
– Biogeochemistry of running waters and the role of processes occurring at microbial scale in the higher-scale nutrient dynamics.
– Antibiotic resistance (AR) and its spread among natural communities.  Investigating the relative contribution of antibiotics levels detected and that of fecal resistant bacteria to the spread of AR among natural freshwater communities.

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Short CV


2015: Postdoc researcher “Charge de Recherche – FNRS”. Ecology of Aquatic Systems, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
2015: Postdoc researcher. Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona (Spain).
2013-2015: Postdoc researcher. Catalan Institute for Water Research. Girona (Spain).
2012-2013: Postdoc researcher. Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC). Blanes (Spain)
2007-2012: PhD candidate. Marie Curie pre-doctoral fellow. Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona (Spain).
2007-2009: Master degree in Basic and Applied Ecology. University of Barcelone (Spain).
2005-2007: Research assistant. University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Rome (Italy)
2005: Degree in Biology (Specialized in Ecology). University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Rome (Italy).



Proia, L., Anzil, A., Borrego, C., Farrè, M., Llorca, M., Sanchis, J., Bogaerts, P., Balcázar, J.L., Servais, P. 2018. Occurrence and persistence of carbapenemases genes in hospital and wastewater treatment plants and propagation in the receiving river. Journal of Hazardous Material.   358: 33-43.

Proia, L., Anzil, A., Subirats, J., Borrego, C., Farrè, M., Llorca, M., Balcázar, J.L., Servais, P. 2018. Antibiotic resistance in urban and hospital wastewaters and their impact on a receiving freshwater ecosystem. Chemosphere. 206: 70-82.

Proia L., Anzil, A., Subirats, J, Borrego C., Farrè M., Llorca M., Balcazar J.L., ServaisP. 2018. Antibiotic resistance along a small urban river impacted by treated wastewaters. Science of the Total Environment. 628-629: 453-466.

Gómez-Gener L, Obrador B, vonSchiller D, Marcé R, Casas-Ruiz JP, L. Proia, V. Acuña, N. Catalán, Muñoz I, Koschorreck M (2015). Hot spots for carbon emissions from Mediterranean fluvial networks during summer drought. Biogeochemistry. 125(3): 409-426.

Proia L, Lupini G, Osorio V, Pérez S, Barceló D, Schwartz T, Amalfitano S, Fazi S, Romaní A.M, Sabater S (2013). Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river. Chemosphere. 92: 1126 – 1135.

Proia L, Vilches C, Boninneau C, Kantiani L, Farré M, Romaní A.M, Sabater S, Guasch H. (2013). Drought episode modulates the response of river biofilms to triclosan. Aquatic Toxicology. 127: 36 – 45.

Proia L, Osorio V, Soley S, Köck-Schulmeyer M, Pérez S, Barceló D, Romaní A.M, Sabater S. (2013). Effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on biofilms in a highly impacted river. Environmental Pollution. 178: 220 – 228.

Proia L, Romaní A.M, Sabater S. (2012). Nutrients and light effects on stream biofilms: a combined assessment with CLSM, structural and functional parameters. Hydrobiologia. 695(1): 281 – 291.

Proia L, Morin S, Peipoch M, Romaní A.M, Sabater S (2011). Resistance and recovery of river biofilms receiving short pulses of Triclosan and Diuron. Science of The Total Environment. 409(17): 3129 – 3137.

Lupini G, Proia L, Di Maio M, Amalfitano S, Fazi S (2011). CARD–FISH and confocal laser scanner microscopy to assess successional changes of the bacterial community in freshwater biofilms. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 86(2): 248 – 251

Geiszinger A, Bonnineau C, Faggiano L, Guasch H, López-Doval J.C, Proia L, Ricart M, Ricciardi F, Romaní A, Rotter S, Muñoz I, Schmitt-Jansen M, Sabater S (2009). The relevance of the community approach linking chemical and biological analyses in pollution assessment. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 28(5): 619 – 626.