Publications I. George

Meunier LCosta RKeller-Costa TCannella DDechamps E, George IF. 0. Selection of marine bacterial consortia efficient at degrading chitin leads to the discovery of new potential chitin degraders. Microbiol Spectr 0:e00886-24.

Lilli G., Sirot Ch., Campbell H., Hermand F., Brophy D., Flot J.-F., Conor T. G., George I. F., Do fish gut microbiotas vary across spatial scales? A case study of Diplodus vulgaris in the Mediterranean Sea, Animal microbiome vol. 6, 1 32. 13 June 2024, 6(1), doi:
Rodriguez Jimenez A., Breine A., Whiteway C., Dechamps E., George I. F., Van der Henst C., Bactericidal effect of bacteria isolated from the marine sponges Hymeniacidon perlevis and Halichondria panicea against carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Letters in Applied Microbiology, vol. 77, Issue 5, May 2024, ovae035, doi: 
Lilli G., Sirot C., Campbell H., Brophy D., Graham C. T., George I. F., Geographic origin and host’s phylogeny are predictors of the gut mucosal microbiota diversity and composition in Mediterranean scorpionfishes (Scorpaena spp.), Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Marine Biology, vol. 10 – 2023.
Tou, I., Azri, Y., George, I. F., Bouzid, O., Khemili-Talbi, S., Sadi, M., Kebbouche-Gana, S., Anzil & A., Laichouchi, A., Bacterial community issued from Chlorophytum plant-microbial fuel cell for electricity generation. Biofuels, doi: https//
Bonal, M., Goetghebuer, L., Joseph, C., Gonze, D., Faust, K., George, I. F., Deciphering interactions within a 4-strain riverine bacterial community. Current Microbiology 80, Article nr 238 (2023). doi:
Rodriguez Jimenez, A., Guiglielmoni, N., Goetghebuer, L., Dechamps, E., George, I. F., Flot, J.-F., Comparative genome analysis of Vagococcus fluvialis reveals abundance of mobile genetic elements in sponge-isolated strains. BMC Genomics 23, Article nr 618 (2022).
Tsachidou, B., Hissler, Ch., Noo, A., Lemaigre, S., Daigneux, B., Gennen, J., Pacaud, S., George I. F., Delfosse, Ph., Biogas residues in the battle for terrestrial carbon sequestration: A comparative decomposition study in the grassland soils of the Greater Region. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 86. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112272
Jimenez Rodriguez, A., Dechamps E., Giaux A., Goetghebuer, L., Bauwens, M., Willenz, P., Flahaut, S., Laport, M. S., George I. F., The sponges Hymeniacidon perlevis and Halichondria panicea are reservoirs of antibiotic-producing bacteria against multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 31(2). doi: 10.1111/jam.14999

Tsachidou B., Scheuren M., Gennenc J., Debbaut V., Toussaint B., Hissler C., George I.,  and Delfosse P. 2019. Biogas residues in substitution for chemical fertilizers: A comparative study on a grassland in the Walloon Region. Science of the Total Environment 666: 212–225. doi:

Goetghebuer, L., Bonal, M., Faust, K., Servais, P., George, I. 2019. The dynamic of a river model bacterial community in two different media reveals a divergent succession and an enhanced growth of most strains compared to monocultures. Microbial Ecology. 78 (2): 313-323. doi:

Barjhoux, I., Fechner, L.C., Lebrun, J.D., Anzil, A., Ayrault, S., Budzinski, H., Cachot, J., Charron, L., Chaumot, A., Clérandeau, C., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Faburé, J., François, A., Geffard, O., George, I., Labadie, P., Lévi, Y., Munoz, G., Noury, P., Oziol, L., Quéau, H., Servais, P., Uher, E., Urien, N. & Geffard, A. 2018. Application of a multidisciplinary and integrative Weight-of-Evidence approach to a one-year monitoring survey of the Seine River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.  25(24): 23404-23429

Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P. & George, I. 2017. Carbon utilization profiles of river bacterial strains facing sole carbon sources suggest metabolic interactions. FEMS Microbiology Letters.  364(10), fnx098.

M. Silva Laport, M. Bauwens, S. de Oliveira Nunes, P. Willenz, I. George, G. Muricy. (2017). Culturable bacterial communities associated to Brazilian Oscarella species (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha) and their antagonistic interactions. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 110 (4): 489-499

E. Bouhajja, M. McGuire, M.R. Liles, G. Bataille, S.B. Agathos, I.F. George. (2017). Identification of novel toluene monooxygenase genes in a hydrocarbon-polluted sediment using sequence- and function-based screening of metagenomic libraries. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 101 (2) : 797-808

I.F. George, P. Bogaerts, J.F. Flot, D. Gillis, M. Rooman (2017). New tools for bioprocess analysis and optimization of microbial fuel production. In : F. Darvishi Harzevili and S. Hiligsmann (eds), Microbial fuels : Technologies and Applications, 43p., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, p.427-494

E. Bouhajja, T. Efthymiopoulos, I.F. George, D. Moreels, R. Van Houdt, M. Mergeay, S.N. Agathos(2016).Conjugative transfer of broad host range plasmids to an acidobacterial strain, Edaphobacter aggregans. Journal of Biotechnology 221:107-113

M.S. Laport, J.F. Santos-Gandelman, G. Muricy, M. Giambiagi-deMarval, I. George. (2016). Antagonistic interactions among bacteria isolated from either the same or from different sponges native to the Brazilian coast. Journal of Marine Science & Research Development, 6 :2.

M. Laport, P.V Pontes, D.S. Santos, J.F. Santos-Gandelman, G. Muricy, M. Bauwens, M.Giambiagi-deMarval, I. George. (2016). Antibiotic resistance genes detected in the marine sponge Petromica citrina from the Brazilian coast. Brazilian Journal of microbiology, 47(3):617-20.

E. Bouhajja, S.N. Agathos  and I.F. George. (2016). Metagenomics: Probing pollutant fate in natural and engineered ecosystems. Biotechnol. Adv. 34(8):1413-1426.

Ye, L., Santos-Gandelman, J.F., Hardoim, C., George, I.F., Cornelis, P., Laport, M.S. 2015. Antibacterial activity and mutagenesis of sponge-associated Pseudomonas fluorescens H41. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. DOI 10.1007/s10482-015-0469-4

Van Aarle I.M., Perimenis, A., Lima-Ramos, J., de Hults, E., George, I.F., Gerin, P.A. 2015. Mixed inoculum origin and lignocellulosic substrate type both influence the production of volatile fatty acids during acidogenic fermentation. Biochemical Engineering Journal 103, pp242–249. DOI10.1016/j.bej.2015.07.016

Da Rocha, U.N., Plugge, C.M., George, I., Van Elsas, J.D., Van Overbeek, L.S. 2013. The rhizosphere selects for particular groups of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia  PLoS ONE. 8 (12), e82443

U. Nunes da Rocha, C. Plugge, I.F. George, J.D. van Elsas, L. van Overbeek. (2013). The rhizosphere selects for particular groups of Acidobacteria and VerrucomicrobiaPLOSone: 9(4): e94514

I.F. George, E. Bouhajja and S.N. Agathos (2011). Metagenomics for bioremediation. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 – Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, pp. 47-57. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN:  978-0-44-453352-4.

I. F. George, M. Hartmann, M.R. Liles, S.N. Agathos. (2011). Recovery of as-yet uncultured soil Acidobacteria on dilute solid media. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77: 8184-8188.

L.C. Parsley, J. Linneman, A. Goode, K. Becklund, I. F. George, R. M. Goodman, N. Lopanik, and M. R. Liles. (2011). Polyketide synthase pathways identified from an arrayed metagenomic library are derived from soil Acidobacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 78(1): 176-187.

I. George, B. Stenuit and S.N. Agathos. (2010). Application of metagenomics to bioremediation. In: D. Marco (ed), Metagenomics: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Caister Academic Press / Horizon Scientific Press, Norfolk, UK, pp. 119-140. ISBN: 978-1-904455-54-7.

M.R. Liles, O. Turkmen, B. F. Manske, M. Zhang, J.-M. Rouillard, I. George, T. Balser, N. Billor and R.M. Goodman. (2010).A phylogenetic microarray targeting 16S rRNA genes from the bacterial division Acidobacteria reveals a lineage-specific distribution in a soil clay fraction. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42: 739-47.

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I.F. George, M.R. Liles, M. Hartmann, W. Ludwig, R.M. Goodman, S.N. Agathos. (2009). Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on soil Acidobacteria communities. FEMS Microbiology Letters 296: 159-166.

B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, I. George, S.N. Agathos. (2009). Molecular tools for monitoring and validating bioremediation. In: A. Singh, R.C. Kuhad and O.P. Ward (eds) Advances in Applied Bioremediation, Soil Biology Series Volume 17, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 17, pp. 339-353. ISBN: 978-3-540-89620-3.

Servais, P., Billen, G., Garcia-Armisen, T. George, I., Goncalvez, A. & Thibert, S. La contamination microbienne dans le bassin de la Seine. Edition Agence de l’Eau Seine Normandie. 2009. 50pp. ISBN : 978-2-918251-07-1.

I. George, L. Eyers, B. Stenuit, S. Agathos (2008). Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on soil microbial communities. Journal of industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 35(4):225-236.

B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, S. Agathos, I. George (2008). Emerging high-throughput approaches to analyze bioremediation of hazardous and/or recalcitrant waste. Biotechnology Advances 26(6):561-575.

B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, S.N. Agathos, I. George. (2008). High-throughput approaches to analyse waste biotreatment in confined environments. In: E. Diaz (ed), Microbial Biodegradation: Genomics and Molecular Biology, Caister Academic Press / Horizon Scientific Press, pp. 319-357.

Servais, P., Garcia-Armisen, T., George, I. & Billen, G. 2007. Fecal bacteria in the rivers of the Seine drainage network: source, fate and modeling. Science of the Total Environment. 375: 152-167.

L. Eyers, I. George, L. Schuler, S.N. Agathos, S. El-Fantroussi. (2004) Environmental genomics: exploring the Dunedin richness of microbes to degrade xenobiotics. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 66:123-130.

I. George, A. Anzil, P. Servais. (2004). Quantification of fecal coliform inputs to aquatic systems through soil leaching. Water Research 38: 611-618.

George, I., Anzil, A. & Servais, P. 2004. Quantification of fecal coliforms inputs to aquatic systems through soil leaching. Water Research. 38 : 611-618.

I. George, P. Servais. Contamination microbienne des eaux du bassin de la Seine. (2003). In: B. Tassin, D. Thévenot, G. Varrault, J.-C. Oliva (eds), Eau dans la ville et développement durable, Presses des Ponts, Paris, France.

George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2002. Fecal coliforms removal in wastewater treatment plants studied by plate counts and enzymatic methods. Wat. Res. 36: 2607-2617.


George I. & Servais, P. 2002. Contamination microbienne des eaux du bassin de la Seine. In : “Eau dans la ville et développement durable » Presses des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. pp 75-85.

George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Use of rapid enzymatic assays to study the distribution of fecal coliforms in the Seine river (France). Water Science and Technology. 43(12): 7780


George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2001. Use of ß-D-galactosidase and ß-D-glucuronidase activities to estimate the microbiological contamination of wastewater. Can. J. Microbiol. 47 : 670-675.

George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Distribution of coliforms in the Seine river and estuary (France) Estuaries. 24 :984-1002

George, I., M. Petit & P. Servais. 2000. Use of enzymatic methods for rapid enumeration of coliforms in freshwaters. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 88 : 404-413.