
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques CP-221
Boulevard du Triomphe
B-1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 (0)26505990
Fax: +32 (0)26505993
Research topics
Ecological and biogeochemical modelling of the response of marine ecosystems to climate changes and anthropogenic pressures, throughout the understanding of the interactions between planktonic organisms and marine biogeochemical cycles (C, N, P, Si), and the coupling of rivers and coastal models with particular emphasis on eutrophication and climatic gases.
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Short CV
2014: Associate Professor, Ecole interfacultaire de Bioingénieurs, Université Libre de Bruxelles
2010 : Post-doctoral research, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France
2006: Ph D. in Biological Sciences from the Université Libre de Bruxelles
2001: Master in Marine Ecosystems Modelling from the Université de Liege
2001: European Master in Marine Ecosystems Modelling from the Université de Liege
2000: Bachelor in Oceanology from the Université de Liege
1999: Bachelor in Biology (Zoology option) from the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve
- Structure, évolution et fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques – BING-F-410
- Modélisation des écosystèmes aquatiques – BING-F-525
- Fonctionnement et gestion des environnements agricoles et aquatiques (in collaboration with Prof. P. Servais and Prof. B. Godden) – ENVI-F-4001 (5 ECTS)
Borges, A.V., Speeckaert, G., Champenois, W., Scranton, M.I. Gypens, N. 2018. Productivity and temperature as drivers of seasonal and spatial variations of dissolved methane in the Southern bight of the North Sea. Ecosystems, 21 (4): 583-599.
Gypens, N., Borges, A.V. & Ghyoot, C. 2017. How phosphorus limitation can control climate-active gas sources and sinks. Journal of Marine Systems. 170; 42-49.
Borges, A.V., Champenois, W., Gypens, N., Delille, B. & Harlay, J. 2016. Massive marine methane emissions from near-shore shallow coastal areas. Scientific reports. 6: 27908.
Ghyoot, C., Gypens, N., Flynn, K.J., Lancelot, C. 2015. Modelling alkaline phosphatase activity in microalgae under orthophosphate limitation: the case of Phaeocystis globosa. Journal of Plankton Research. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbv062
Terseleer N., J. Bruggeman, C. Lancelot, N. Gypens (2014). Trait-based representation of diatom functional diversity in a plankton functional type model of the eutrophied southern North Sea. Limnology and Oceanography. Limnol. Oceanogr., 59(6), 2014, 1958–1972
Lancelot C., P. Passy, N. Gypens (2014). Model assessment of present-day Phaeocystis colony blooms in the Southern North Sea (SNS) by comparison with a reconstructed pristine situation. Harmful algae 37:172-182
Gypens N., A.V. Borges (2014). Increase in dimethylsulfide (DMS) emissions due to eutrophication of coastal waters offsets their reduction due to ocean acidification, Frontiers in Marine Science – Marine Ecosystem Ecology, 1:4, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00004
Gypens N., A.V. Borges, G. Speeckaert, C. Lancelot (2014). The dimethylsulfide cycle in the eutrophied Southern North Sea: A model study integrating phytoplankton and bacterial processes. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85862. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085862
Terseleer N., N. Gypens, C. Lancelot (2012). Factors controlling the production of domoic acid by Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae): a model study. Harmful Algae, 24: 45-53
Passy P., N. Gypens, G. Billen, J. Garnier, V. Thieu, V. Rousseau, J. Callens, J-Y. Parent, C. Lancelot (2012). A model reconstruction of riverine nutrient fluxes and eutrophication in the Belgian Coastal Zone since 1984. Journal of Marine Systems, 128: 106-122
Gypens N., A. Vanhoutte-Brunier, S. Burton, Y. Liu, V. Rousseau, G. Billen, P. Passy, J. Callens, E. Delhez, C. Lancelot (2013). Modelling phytoplankton succession and nutrient transfer along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium, The Netherlands). Journal of Marine Systems, 128: 89-105
Lancelot C., N. Gypens (2013). Tracing and integrated modelling of natural and anthropogenic effects on hydrosystems: The Scheldt River Basin and adjacent coastal North as a case study. Journal of Marine Systems, 128: 1-2
Gypens N., G. Lacroix, C., Lancelot, A.V. Borges (2011). Seasonal and inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes and seawater carbonate chemistry in the Southern North Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 88, 59–77
Lancelot C.,V. Thieu, A. Polard, J. Garnier, G. Billen, W. Hecq, N. Gypens (2011). Cost assessment and ecological effectiveness of nutrient reduction options for mitigating Phaeocystis colony blooms in the Southern North Sea: An integrated modeling approach. Science of the Total Environment 409, 2179–2191
Arndt S., G. Lacroix, N. Gypens, P. Regnier, C. Lancelot (2011). Nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton development along an estuary-coastal zone continuum: A model study. Journal of Marine Systems, 84 (3-4), 49-66
Borges A.V., N. Gypens (2010). Carbonate chemistry responds more strongly to eutrophication than ocean acidification in the coastal zone. Limnology and Oceanography, 55, 346-353
Gypens N., A. V. Borges, C. Lancelot (2009). Effect of eutrophication on air-sea CO2 fluxes in the coastal Southern North Sea: a model study of the past 50 years. Global Change Biology, 15, 1040-1056
Lancelot C., V. Rousseau, N. Gypens (2009). Ecologically based indicators for Phaeocystis disturbance in eutrophied Belgian coastal waters (Southern North Sea) based on field observations and ecological modelling.Journal of Sea Research, 61, 44-49
Gypens, N., C., Lancelot, K., Soetaert (2008). Simple parameterisations for describing N and P diagenetic processes: Application in the North Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 76, 89-110
Lacroix G., K. Ruddick, N. Gypens, C. Lancelot (2007). Modelling the relative impact of Rivers (Scheldt/Rhine/Seine) and Western Channel waters on the nutrient and diatoms/Phaeocystis distributions in Belgian waters (Southern North Sea).Continental Shelf Research, 27(10-11): 1422-1446
Lacroix G., K. Ruddick, Y. Park, N. Gypens, C. Lancelot (2007). Validation of the 3D biogeochemical model MIRO&CO with field nutrient and phytoplankton data and MERIS-derived surface chlorophyll a images. Journal of Marine Systems, 64, 66-88
Lancelot C., N. Gypens, G. Billen, J. Garnier, V. Roubeix (2007). Testing an integrated river-ocean mathematical tool for linking marine eutrophication to land use: The Phaeocystis-dominated Belgian coatsal zone (Southern North Sea) over the past 50 years.Journal of Marine Systems, 64, 216-228
Gypens N., G. Lacroix, C. Lancelot (2007). Causes of variability in diatom and Phaeocystis blooms in Belgian coastal waters between 1989 and 2003: A model study. Journal of Sea Research, 57, 19-35
Lancelot C., Y. Spitz, N. Gypens, K. Ruddick, S. Becquevort, V. Rousseau, G. Lacroix, G. Billen (2005). Modelling diatom and Phaeocystis blooms and nutrient cycles in the Southern Bight of the North Sea: the MIRO model.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 289, 63-78
Gypens N., C. Lancelot, A.V. Borges (2004). Carbon dynamics and CO2 air-sea exchanges in the eutrophied coastal waters of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: a modelling study. Biogeosciences, 1(2), 147-157
Lancelot, C., Staneva, J., Gypens, N. 2002. Modelling the response of coastal ecosystem to nutrient change. Oceanis, 28-3/4:531-556