Publications (2000 – 2024)


Meunier LCosta RKeller-Costa TCannella DDechamps E, George IF. 0. Selection of marine bacterial consortia efficient at degrading chitin leads to the discovery of new potential chitin degraders. Microbiol Spectr 0:e00886-24.

Lilli G., Sirot Ch., Campbell H., Hermand F., Brophy D., Flot J.-F., Conor T. G., George I. F., Do fish gut microbiotas vary across spatial scales? A case study of Diplodus vulgaris in the Mediterranean Sea, Animal microbiome vol. 6, 1 32. 13 June 2024, 6(1), doi:
Rodriguez Jimenez A., Breine A., Whiteway C., Dechamps E., George I. F., Van der Henst C., Bactericidal effect of bacteria isolated from the marine sponges Hymeniacidon perlevis and Halichondria panicea against carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Letters in Applied Microbiology, vol. 77, Issue 5, May 2024, ovae035, doi: 


Lilli G., Sirot C., Campbell H., Brophy D., Graham C. T., George I. F., Geographic origin and host’s phylogeny are predictors of the gut mucosal microbiota diversity and composition in Mediterranean scorpionfishes (Scorpaena spp.), Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Marine Biology, vol. 10 – 2023.
Tou, I., Azri, Y., George, I. F., Bouzid, O., Khemili-Talbi, S., Sadi, M., Kebbouche-Gana, S., Anzil & A., Laichouchi, A., Bacterial community issued from Chlorophytum plant-microbial fuel cell for electricity generation. Biofuels, doi: https//
Bonal, M., Goetghebuer, L., Joseph, C., Gonze, D., Faust, K., George, I. F., Deciphering interactions within a 4-strain riverine bacterial community. Current Microbiology 80, Article nr 238 (2023). doi:


Lapeyra Martin, J., John, U., Royer, C., Gypens, N., Fantastic beasts: unfolding mixoplankton temporal variability in the belgian coastal zone through DNA-metabarcording. Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Aquatic Microbiology, vol. 9 – 2022. doi:

Rodriguez Jimenez, A., Guiglielmoni, N., Goetghebuer, L., Dechamps, E., George, I. F., Flot, J.-F., Comparative genome analysis of Vagococcus fluvialis reveals abundance of mobile genetic elements in sponge-isolated strains. BMC Genomics 23, Article nr 618 (2022).


Royer, C., Gypens, N., Cardol, P., Borges, A. V., Roberty, S., Response of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas to oxidative stress in three phytoplankton species. Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 43, issue 5, september/october 2021, pages 673-690. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbab052 
Tsachidou, B., Hissler, Ch., Noo, A., Lemaigre, S., Daigneux, B., Gennen, J., Pacaud, S., George I. F., Delfosse, Ph., Biogas residues in the battle for terrestrial carbon sequestration: A comparative decomposition study in the grassland soils of the Greater Region. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 86. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112272
Jimenez Rodriguez, A., Dechamps E., Giaux A., Goetghebuer, L., Bauwens, M., Willenz, P., Flahaut, S., Laport, M. S., George I. F., The sponges Hymeniacidon perlevis and Halichondria panicea are reservoirs of antibiotic-producing bacteria against multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 31(2). doi: 10.1111/jam.14999

Mouchel, J.M., Lucas, F., Moulin, L., Wurtzer, S., Euzen, A., Haghe, J.P, Rocher, V., Azimi, S., Servais, P., 2021. Bathing activities and microbiological river water quality in Paris area: a long-term perspective. Handbook Environmental Chemistry, 90 : 323-353. doi: 10.1007/698_2019_397


Lenchi, N. Anzil, A., Servais, P., Kebbouche-Gana, S., Lamine-Gana, M., and Llirós, M. 2020. Microbacterium algeriense sp. nov., a novel actionobacterium isolated from Algerian oil production waters. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(12): 6044-6051. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004434.

Wittek, B., Carnat, G., Delille, B., Tison, J.-L., & Gypens, N. (2020). Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas variations arising from sea ice shifts of salinity and temperature in the Prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystis antarctica. Environmental chemistry. doi: 10.1071/EN19302

Marescaux, A., Thieu, V., Gypens, N., Silvestre, M., & Garnier, J. (2020). Modeling inorganic carbon dynamics in the seine river continuum in France. Hydrology and earth system sciences, 24(5), 2379-2398. doi: 10.5194/hess-24-2379-2020

Wittek, B., Carnat, G., Tison, J.-L., & Gypens, N. (2020). Response of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas to salinity and temperature shifts in the sea-ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus. Polar biology. doi:10.1007/s00300-020-02651-0

Cazals, M., Stott, R., Fleury, C., Proulx, F., Prévost, M., Servais, P., Dorner, S., Burnet, J.B. 2020. Near-real time notification of water quality impairments in recreational freshwaters using rapid online detection of β-D-glucuronidase activity as a surrogate for Escherichia coli monitoring. Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137303

Lenchi, N., Kebbouche-Gana, S., Servais, P., Lamine Gana, M., Llirós, M. 2020. Diesel biodegradation capacities and biosurfactant production in saline-alkaline conditions by Delftia sp NL1, isolated from an Algerian oilfield. Geomicrobiology. doi:10.1080/01490451.2020.1722769


Dulière, V., Gypens, N., Lancelot, C., Luyten, P., & Lacroix, G. (2019). Origin of nitrogen in the English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea ecosystems. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3419-5

Flynn, K. K., Mitra, A., Anestis, K., Anschütz, A.-A., Calbet, A., Ferreira, G. D., Gypens, N., Hansen, P. J., John, U., Lapeyra Martin, J., Mansour, J., Maselli, M., Medic, N., Norlin, A., Not, F., Pitta, P., Ramano, F., Saiz, E., Schneider, L., Stolte, W., & Traboni, C. (2019). Mixotrophic protists and a new paradigm for marine ecology: where does plankton research go now? Journal of plankton research.

Borges, A. V., Royer, C., Lapeyra Martin, J., Champenois, W., & Gypens, N. (2019). Response of marine methane dissolved concentrations and emissions in the Southern North Sea to the European 2018 heatwave. Continental shelf research. doi:

Lucas, F., de Gouvello, B., Mouchel, J.M., Moulin, L., Servais, P., Wurtzer, S. 2019. Chapter 9. The microbiological quality of the Seine River: is it compatible with open water olympic competitions? pp 163-177. In “Hosting the Olympic Games: Uncertainty, debate and controversy” Delaplace, M. & Schut, P.O., editors. Routledge ed. ISBN 9780429274695. doi:

Burnet, J.B., Sylvestre, E., Jalbert, J., Imbeault, S., Servais, P., Prévost, M., Dorner, S. 2019. Tracking the contribution of multiple raw and treated wastewater discharges in an urban drinking water supply by near-real time monitoring of β-D-glucuronidase. Water Research. 164: 114869. doi:

Speeckaert, G. Borges, A.V., Gypens, N. 2019. Salinity and growth effects on dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas of Skeletonema costatum, Phaeocystis globosa and Heterocapsa triquetra. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf science. 226: 106275. doi:

Tsachidou B., Scheuren M., Gennenc J., Debbaut V., Toussaint B., Hissler C., George I.,  and Delfosse P. 2019. Biogas residues in substitution for chemical fertilizers: A comparative study on a grassland in the Walloon Region. Science of the Total Environment 666: 212–225. doi:

Goetghebuer, L., Bonal, M., Faust, K., Servais, P., George, I. 2019. The dynamic of a river model bacterial community in two different media reveals a divergent succession and an enhanced growth of most strains compared to monocultures. Microbial Ecology. 78 (2): 313-323. doi:

Burnet, J.B., Dinh, Q.T., Imbeault, S., Servais, P., Dorner, S., Prévost. M. 2019. Autonomous online measurement of β-D-glucuronidase activity in surface water: is it suitable for E. coli monitoring ? Water Research. 152: 241-250. doi:


Proia, L., Anzil, A., Borrego, C., Farrè, M., Llorca, M., Sanchis, J., Bogaerts, P., Balcázar, J.L., Servais, P. 2018. Occurrence and persistence of carbapenemases genes in hospital and wastewater treatment plants and propagation in the receiving river. Journal of Hazardous Material.   358: 33-43

Borges, A.V., Speeckaert, G., Champenois, W., Scranton, M.I. Gypens, N. 2018. Productivity and temperature as drivers of seasonal and spatial variations of dissolved methane in the Southern bight of the North Sea. Ecosystems, 21 (4): 583-599

Proia, L., Anzil, A., Subirats, J., Borrego, C., Farrè, M., Llorca, M., Balcázar, J.L., Servais, P. 2018. Antibiotic resistance in urban and hospital wastewaters and their impact on a receiving freshwater ecosystem. Chemosphere. 206: 70-82

Vandermarken T., Croes K., Van Langenhove K., Boonen I., Servais P., Garcia-Armisen T., Brion N., Denison M.S., Goeyens L., Elskens M. 2018. Endocrine activity in an urban river system and the biodegradation of estrogen-like endocrine disruptor chemicals through a bio-analytical approach using DRE- and ERE-CALUX. Chemosphere. 201: 540-549

Proia L., Anzil, A., Subirats, J, Borrego C., Farrè M., Llorca M., Balcazar J.L., ServaisP. 2018. Antibiotic resistance along a small urban river impacted by treated wastewaters. Science of the Total Environment. 628-629: 453-466

Speeckaert, G., Borges, A.V., Champenois, W., Royer, C., Gypens, N. 2018. Annual cycle of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) related to phytoplankton succession in the Southern North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 622-623: 362-372

Barjhoux, I., Fechner, L.C., Lebrun, J.D., Anzil, A., Ayrault, S., Budzinski, H., Cachot, J., Charron, L., Chaumot, A., Clérandeau, C., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Faburé, J., François, A., Geffard, O., George, I., Labadie, P., Lévi, Y., Munoz, G., Noury, P., Oziol, L., Quéau, H., Servais, P., Uher, E., Urien, N. & Geffard, A. 2018. Application of a multidisciplinary and integrative Weight-of-Evidence approach to a one-year monitoring survey of the Seine River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.  25(24): 23404-23429


Gaspéri J., Moreau-Guigon E., Labadie, P., Alliot, F., Budzinki H., Caupos E., Chevreuil M., Cladère M., Dinh Q.T., Eurin J., Laverman A., Lavison G., Mouchel J.M., Munoz G., Roose-Amsaleg C., Servais P., Tamtam F. & Tassin, B. 2017. Les micropolluants dans le bassin de la Seine : alkylphénols, bisphénol A, résidus pharmaceutiques et composés perfluoroalkylés. Ed. PIREN-Seine. 74pp

Ghyoot, C., Lancelot, C., Flynn, K.J., Mitra, A., Gypens, N. 2017. Introducing mixotrophy into a biogeochemical model describing an eutrophied coastal ecosystem: The Southern North Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 157 : 1-11

Girard, L., Peuchet, S., Servais, P., Henry, A., Charni-Ben-Tabassi, N., Baudart, J. 2017. Spatio-temporal dynamics of total viable Vibrio spp. in a NW Mediterranean coastal area. Microbes and Environments. 32 (3) : 210-218

Ghyoot, C., Flynn, K. J., Mitra, A., Lancelot, C., Gypens, N. (2017) Modeling plankton mixotrophy : a mechanistic model consistent with the Shuter-type biochemical approach. Front. Ecol. Evol., 18, doi :10.3389/fevo.2017.00078

Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P. & George, I. 2017. Carbon utilization profiles of river bacterial strains facing sole carbon sources suggest metabolic interactions. FEMS Microbiology Letters.  364(10), fnx098.

Oziel1, L., G. Neukermans, G., Ardyna, M., C. Lancelot, C., Tison, J-L., Wassmann, P., Sirven1, J., Ruiz-Pino1, D., and Gascard1, J-C. 2017. Role for Atlantic inflows and sea ice loss on shifting phytoplankton blooms in the Barents Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2016JC012582

M. Silva Laport, M. Bauwens, S. de Oliveira Nunes, P. Willenz, I. George, G. Muricy. (2017). Culturable bacterial communities associated to Brazilian Oscarella species (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha) and their antagonistic interactions. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 110 (4): 489-499

E. Bouhajja, M. McGuire, M.R. Liles, G. Bataille, S.B. Agathos, I.F. George. (2017). Identification of novel toluene monooxygenase genes in a hydrocarbon-polluted sediment using sequence- and function-based screening of metagenomic libraries. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 101 (2) : 797-808

Jalliffier-Verne, I., Lecomte, R., Huaringa-AlvarezU., Heniche, M., Madoux-Humery, A.S., Autixier, L., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M. & Dorner, S. 2017. Modelling the impact of global change on concentrations of Escherichia coli in an urban river. Advances in Water Resources. DOI 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.10.001

Petit, F., Clermont, O., Delannoy, S., Servais, P., Gourmelon, M., Fach, P., Oberlé, K., Fournier, M., Denamur, E. & Berthe, T. 2017. Change in the structure of Escherichia coli population and the pattern of virulence genes along a rural aquatic continuum. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8. Article 609. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00609

Carré, C., Mouchel, J.M. & Servais, P. 2017. Assainir la banlieue de Paris : des fosses septiques au tout-à-l’égout, quels effets sur la qualité de l’eau de la Seine ? Dans : « Les rivières urbaines et leur pollution ». Chapitre 2.3 pp 43-60.  Lestel, L. &  Carré, C. (eds.) 2017. ISBN : 978-2-7592-2582-8

Euzen, A. Haghe, J.P., Servais, P. Baignade urbaine dans la Seine et la Marne : un indicateur de qualité des cours d’eau ? Dans : « Les rivières urbaines et leur pollution ». Chapitre 2.4 pp 61-75. Lestel, L. &  Carré, C. (eds.) 2017. ISBN : 978-2-7592-2582-8

Brion, N., Servais, P., Garnier, J., Kervyn, M., Renders, D., Evrard, O., Lefèvre, I., Ayrault, S. & Deligne C. 2017. Les changements de gestion des eaux usées domestiques et industrielles dans le bassin de la Senne : impacts sur la qualité des eaux. Dans : « Les rivières urbaines et leur pollution ». Chapitre 5.3. pp 207-221. Lestel, L. &  Carré, C. (eds.) ISBN : 978-2-7592-2582-8

I.F. George, P. Bogaerts, J.F. Flot, D. Gillis, M. Rooman (2017). New tools for bioprocess analysis and optimization of microbial fuel production. In : F. Darvishi Harzevili and S. Hiligsmann (eds), Microbial fuels : Technologies and Applications, 43p., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, p.427-494

Burnet J.B., Faraj, T., Cauchie, H.M., Joaquim-Justo, C., Servais, P., Prévost, M., & Dorner, S. 2017. How does the Cladoceran Daphnia pulex affects the fate of Escherichia coli in water. PLoSONE 12(2): e0171705

Michiels, C., Darchambeau, F., Roland, F.A.E., Morana, C., Llirós, M., García-Armisen, T., Thamdrup, B., Borges, A.V., Canfield, D.E., Servais, P., Descy, J.P., & Crowe S.A. 2017. Iron-dependent nitrogen cycling in a ferruginous lake and the nutrient status of Proterozoic oceans. Nature Geoscience. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2886

Gypens, N., Borges, A.V. & Ghyoot, C. 2017. How phosphorus limitation can control climate-active gas sources and sinks. Journal of Marine Systems. 170; 42-4


Van Langenhove, K., Reyns, T., Vandermarken, T., Servais, P., Denison, M., Van Loco, J., Elskens, M. 2016. Endocrine activity in waste and river waters from the Brussels Region, Belgium, using the BG1Luc4E2 CALUX Bioassay. Organohalogen Compounds. 78 : 785-788.

Borges, A.V., Champenois, W., Gypens, N., Delille, B. & Harlay, J. 2016. Massive marine methane emissions from near-shore shallow coastal areas. Scientific reports. 6: 27908.

  1. Bouhajja,T. Efthymiopoulos, I.F. George, D. Moreels, R. Van Houdt, M. Mergeay, S.N. Agathos(2016).Conjugative transfer of broad host range plasmids to an acidobacterial strain,Edaphobacter aggregans. Journal of Biotechnology 221:107-113

M.S. Laport, J.F. Santos-Gandelman, G. Muricy, M. Giambiagi-deMarval, I. George. (2016). Antagonistic interactions among bacteria isolated from either the same or from different sponges native to the Brazilian coast. Journal of Marine Science & Research Development, 6 :2.

  1. Laport, P.V Pontes, D.S. Santos, J.F. Santos-Gandelman, G. Muricy, M. Bauwens, M.Giambiagi-deMarval, I. George. (2016). Antibiotic resistance genes detected in the marine spongePetromica citrinafrom the Brazilian coast. Brazilian Journal of microbiology, 47(3):617-20.
  2. Bouhajja, S.N. Agathos  and I.F. George. (2016). Metagenomics: Probing pollutant fate in natural and engineered ecosystems.Biotechnol. Adv.34(8):1413-1426.

Nguyen, H.T.M., Billen, G., Garnier, J., Rochelle-Newall, E., Ribolzi, O., Servais, P., Le, Q.T.P.2016. Modeling of Faecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) in the Red River basin (Vietnam). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188: 517. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-016-5528-4.

Stoquart, C., Vasquez, G., Servais, P., Sauvé, S., & Barbeau, B. 2016. Micropollutants removal in the aged powdered activated carbon PAC contactor of a hybrid membrane process. Journal Environmental Engineering. DOI. 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001125

Jalliffier-Verne, I., Heniche, M., Madoux-Humery, A.S., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M. & Dorner, S. 2016. Cumulative effects of fecal contamination from combined sewer overflows: Management for source water protection.. Journal of Environmental Management. 174. 62-70.

Madoux-Humery, A.S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadi, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P. & Prévost, M. 2016. The effects of combined sewer overflow events on riverine sources of drinking water. Water Research. 92 : 218-227.

Seitzinger, S.P., Gaffney, O., Brasseur, G., Broadgate, W., Ciais, P., Claussen, M., Erisman, J.W., Kiefer, T., Lancelot, C., Monks, P.S., Smyth, K., Syvitski, J., Uematsu., M. 2016. International Geosphere­Biosphere Programme and Earth system science: Three decades of co-evolution. Antrhopocène. doi:10.1016/j.ancene.2016.01.001


Ye, L., Santos-Gandelman, J.F., Hardoim, C., George, I.F., Cornelis, P., Laport, M.S. 2015. Antibacterial activity and mutagenesis of sponge-associated Pseudomonas fluorescens H41. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. DOI 10.1007/s10482-015-0469-4

Van Aarle I.M., Perimenis, A., Lima-Ramos, J., de Hults, E., George, I.F., Gerin, P.A. 2015. Mixed inoculum origin and lignocellulosic substrate type both influence the production of volatile fatty acids during acidogenic fermentation. Biochemical Engineering Journal 103, pp242–249. DOI10.1016/j.bej.2015.07.016

Lliros, M., Garcia-Armisen, T., Darchambeau, F., Morana, C., Triado-Margarit, X., Inceoglu, O., Borrego, C., Bouillon, S., Servais, P., Borges, A.V., Descy, J-P., Canfield, Don E., Crowe, S.A. 2015. Pelagic photoferrotrophy and iron cycling in a modern ferruginous basin. Sci. Rep. 5, 13803; doi: 10.1038/srep13803

Ghyoot, C., Gypens, N., Flynn, K.J., Lancelot, C. 2015. Modelling alkaline phosphatase activity in microalgae under orthophosphate limitation: the case of Phaeocystis globosa. Journal of Plankton Research. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbv062

Pasquer, B., Metzl, N., Goosse, H., Lancelot, C. 2015. What drives the seasonality of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the ice-free zone of the Southern Ocean: a 1D coupled physical-biogeochemical model approach. Marine Chemistry in press. 10.1016/j.marchem.2015.08.008.

Inceoğlu Ö, Llirós M, Crowe SA, Garcia-Armisen T, Morana, C., Darchambeau F, Borges A, Descy JP and Servais P. 2015. Vertical distribution of functional potential and active microbial community composition in meromictic Lake Kivu. Microbial Ecology.  DOI: 10.1007/s00248-015-0612-9

Brion, N., Verbanck, M., Bauwens, W., Elskens, M, Chen, M. & Servais, P.  2015. Assessing the impacts of wastewater treatment implementation on the water quality of a small urban river over the past 40 years. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4493-8.

Madoux-Humery, A.S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadi, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P. & Prévost, M. 2015 Temporal analysis of E. coli, TSS and wastewater micropollutant loads from combined sewer overflows: implications for management. Environ. Sci.. Processes Impacts. DOI: 10.1039/C5EM00093A

Inceoglu, O., Llirós, M., Garcia-Armisen, T., Crowe, S.A., Michiels, C., Darchambeau, F., Descy, J.P. & Servais,P. 2015. Distribution of bacterial and archaeal communities in meromictic tropical Lake Kivu (Africa). Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 74: 215-233

Jalliffier-Verne, I., Lecomte, R., Huaringa-AlvarezU., Madoux-Humery, A.S., Galarneau, M., Servais, P., Prévost, M. & Dorner, S. 2015. Impacts of global change on the concentrations and dilution of combined sewer overflows in a drinking water source. Science of the Total Environment. 508: 462-476.

Lebaron, P., Cournoyer, B., Lemarchand, K. Nazaret, S. & Servais, P. 2015. Chapter 15. Environmental and Human Pathogenic Microorganisms. pp 619-658. In «Environmental Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications ». Springer, Bertrand et al, eds.


Barnes, M K., Tilstone,G H, Smyth,T,J, Suggett, D G, Astoreca, R, Lancelot, C, Kromkamp, J C. 2014. Absorption-based algorithm of primary production for total and size-fractionated phytoplankton in coastal waters. Mar Ecol Prog. Ser. 504: 73–89.

Da Rocha, U.N., Plugge, C.M., George, I., Van Elsas, J.D., Van Overbeek, L.S. 2013. The rhizosphere selects for particular groups of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia  PLoS ONE. 8 (12), e82443

Gypens N., Borges, A.V., Speeckaert, G & Lancelot, C. 2014. The dimethylsulfide cycle in the eutrophied Southern North Sea: A model study integrating phytoplankton and bacterial processes. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85862. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085862.

Gypens N., A.V. Borges. 2014. Increase in dimethylsulfide (DMS) emissions due to eutrophication of coastal waters offsets their reduction due to ocean acidification, Frontiers in Marine Science – Marine Ecosystem Ecology. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00004

Lancelot C, Passy, P & N. Gypens. 2014. Model assessment of present-day Phaeocystis colony blooms in the Southern Bight of the North Sea (SBNS) by comparison with a reconstructed pristine situation. Harmful Algae 37:172-182

Lliros, M., Garcia-Armisen, T., Inceoglu, O., Anzil, A., Leporcq, B., Viroux, L., Darchambeau, F., Descy, J.P. & Servais, P. 2014. Bacterial community composition in three freshwater reservoirs of different alkalinity and trophic status. Plos One. 9(12): e116145.

Borges, A., Morana, C., Bouillon, S., Servais, P., Descy, J.P. & Darchambeau, F. 2014. Carbon cycling of Lake Kivu (East Africa): net autotrophy in the epilimnion and emission of CO2 to the atmosphere sustained by geogenic inputs. Plos One. 9(10): e109500.

Stoquart, C., Servais, P., & Barbeau, B. 2014. Ammonia Removal in the Carbon Contactor of a Hybrid Membrane Process. Water Research. 67 : 255-266.

de Brauwere, A., Gourgue, O., de Brye, B., Servais, P., Ouattara, K., Deleersnijder, E. 2014. Integrated modelling of faecal contamination in a densely populated river-sea continuum (Scheldt River and Estuary). Science of the Total Environment. 448-469: 31-45

de Brauwere, A., Ouattara, K., Servais, P. 2014. Modelling the dynamics of fecal indicators bacteria in surface waters: a review. Critical Review in Environmental Science and Technology. 44: 2389-2453.

Garcia-Armisen, T., Inceoglu, O., Ouattara, K., Anzil, A., Verbanck, M. Brion, N. & Servais, P. 2014. Seasonal variations and resilience of bacterial communities in a sewage polluted urban river. PlosOne. 9 (3): e92579.

Lalancette, C., Papineau, I., Payment, P. Dorner, S., Servais, P., Barbeau, B., Di Giovanni, G. & Prévost, M. 2014. Changes in E. coli to Cryptosporidium ratios for various pollution sources and drinking water intakes. Water Research. 55: 150-161.

Lucas, F. Thérial, C., Goncalves, A., Servais, P., Rocher, V. & Mouchel, J.M. 2014. Variation of raw wastewater microbiological quality in dry and wet weather conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21:5318–5328.

Ouattara, N.K., Garcia-Armisen, T., Anzil, A., Brion, N. & Servais, P. 2014. Impact of wastewater release on the faecal contamination of a small urban river: the Zenne River in Brussels (Belgium). Water, Air, Soil  pollution. 225 (8) : 2043

Shrestha, N.K., Leta, O.T., De Fraine, B., Garcia-Armisen, T., Ouattara, N.K., Servais, P.,van Griensven, A. & Bauwens, W. 2014. Modelling Escherichia coli dynamics in the river Zenne (Belgium) using an OpenMI based integrated model. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 16.2: 354-374

Stoquart, C., Barbeau, B., Servais, P. & Vasquez-Rodriguez, G.A. 2014. Quantifying bacterialbiomass fixed onto biological activated carbon (PAC and GAC) used in drinking water treatment. Journal of Water supply: Research and Technology – Aqua. 63(1): 1-11


  1. Nunes da Rocha, C. Plugge, I.F. George, J.D. van Elsas, L. van Overbeek. (2013). The rhizosphere selects for particular groups ofAcidobacteriaand VerrucomicrobiaPLOSone: 9(4): e94514

Garcia-Armisen, T, Anzil, A., Cornelis, P., Chevreuil, M. & Servais P. 2013. Identification of antimicrobialresistant bacteria in rivers: insights into cultivation bias. Water Research. 47: 4938-4947.

Garnier, J., Brion, N., Callens, J., Passy, P., Deligne, C., Billen, G., Servais, P. & Billen, C. 2013. Modelling historical changes in nutrient delivery and water quality of the Zenne River (1790s–2010): the role of land use, waterscape and urban wastewater management. Journal of Marine Systems. 128: 62-76.

Gypens, N., Delhez, E., Vanhoutte-Brunier, A., Burton, S., Thieu, V., Passy, P., Liu, Y. Callens, J., Rousseau, V. & Lancelot, C. 2013. Modelling phytoplankton succession and nutrient transfer along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium, The Netherlands). Journal of Marine systems. 128 : 89-105.

Lancelot, C. & Gypens, N. 2013. Tracing and integrated modelling of natural and anthropogenic effects on hydrosystems: The Scheldt River Basin and adjacent coastal North as a case study. Journal of Marine Systems. 128 : 1-2.

Lenchi, N., Inceoglu, O., Kebbouche-Gana, S., Gana, M.L., Lliros , M. Servais, P. & Garcia-Armisen, T. 2013. Diversity of microbial communities in production and injection waters of Algerian oilfields revealed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon 454 pyrosequencing. PloS-One. 8 (6): e66588.

Madoux-Humery, A.S., Dorner, S., Sauvé, S., Aboulfadi, K., Galarneau, M., Servais, P. & Prévost, M. 2013. Temporal variability of Combines Sewer Overflows contaminants: evaluation of Wastewater Micropollutants as tracers of fecal contamination. Water Research. 47: 4370-4382.

Moungang, L.M., Nola, M., Nougang, M.E., Noah Ewoti, O.V., Chibib, N.E., Krier, F. & Servais, P. 2013. Abundance of heterotrophic aerobe bacteria (HAB) adsorbed on Granite, Basalt and Migmatite rock fragments immersed in wells in Central Africa: Temporal variation and assessment of the hierchical influence of someabiotic factors. International journal of Research in BioSciences. 2 (2): 13-25.

Moungang, L.M., Nola, M., Nougang, M.E., Krier, F., Chibib, N.E. & Servais, P. 2013. Bacterial adhesion on the rock fragments immersed in wells in the equatorial region of Cameroon (Central Africa): a study on the potential effect of the day and night immersion period. Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology. 1 (5): 224-234.

Ouattara, N. K., de Brauwere, A., Billen, G. & Servais, P. 2013. Modelling faecal contamination in the Scheldt drainage network. Journal of Marine Systems. 128: 77-88.

Papineau, I. Tufendji, N., Servais, P. & Barbeau, B. 2013. Impact of media aging on granular performance for the removal of Cryptosporidium. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 139 (5): 603-611.

Passy, P., Gypens, N., Billen, G., Garnier, J., Thieu, V., Rousseau, V., Callens, J., Parent, J-Y. & Lancelot, C. 2013. A model reconstruction of riverine nutrient fluxes and eutrophication in the Belgian Coastal Zone since 1984. Journal of Marine Systems. 128: 106-122.

Prévost, M. Besner, M.C., Laurent, P. & Servais, P. 2013. Emerging issues of biological stability in drinking water distribution systems. In: “Microbial Growth in Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Problems, Causes, Prevention and Research Needs .van der Kooij, D. and van der Wielen, P.W.J.J., eds. IWA publishing , Elsevier. ISBN: 9781780400402. Chapter 10 :259-288.

Rousseau V., Lantoine F., Rodriguez F., LeGall F., Chrétiennot-Dinet, M-J. & Lancelot, C. 2013. Characterization of Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae), the blooming species in the Southern North Sea. Journal of Sea Research 76: 105–113

Stoquart, C., Vasquez, G., Servais, P. & Barbeau, B. 2013. Gamma irradiation: a method to produce an abiotic control for colonized PAC. Environmental Technology. 34(23) : 3091–3097.

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Astoreca R., Doxaran, D., Ruddick, K., Rousseau, V., and Lancelot, C. 2012. Influence of suspended particle concentration, composition and size on the variability of inherent optical properties of the Southern North Sea. Continental Shelf Research 35: 117-128.

Borges A.V., Bouillon, S., Abril, G., Delille, B. Poirier, D., Commarieu, M.V., Lepoint, G., Morana, C., Champenois, W., Servais, P., Descy, J.P. & Darchambeau, F. 2012. Variability of carbon dioxide and methane in the epilimnion of Lake Kivu In Lake Kivu: Limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake (Descy, J.P., Darchambeau, F., Schmid, M., Eds) Aquatic Ecology Series, Springer. Chapter 4: 47-66.

Brion N., Servais P., Bauwens W. and Verbanck M. 2012. Past and present chemical and microbiological quality of the Zenne River. Impact of the Brussels’ sewage management. Bridges over Troubled Waters, Fifth Crosstalk publication, ISBN 978 90 7028 928 7. pp: 251-264.

de Jong, J., Schoemann, V., Lannuzel, D., de Baar, H. & Tison, J.L.. 2012. Natural iron fertilization of the Atlantic Southern Ocean by continental shelf sources of the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research. In press

Henry, A., Scherpereel, G., Brown, R.S., Baudart, J., Servais, P. & Charni-Ben-Tabassi, N. 2012. Comparison of methods for an active bathing water quality monitoring. In “The significance of faeacal indicators in waters: a global perspective” edited by the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) (ISBN: 9781-84973-542-1). pp 72-83

Garnier, J., Passy, P., Rousseau, V., Gypens, N., Callens, J., Silvestre, M., Billen, G. & Lancelot, C. (2012). The diseased southern North Sea: current status and possible solutions. In: Sustainable Water ecosystems Management in Europe, Bridging the Knowledge of Citizens, Scientists and Policy Makers. In Editor: Carlo Sessa. IWA Publishing.

Lalancette, C., Généreux, M., Mailly, J., Servais, P., Côté, C., Michaux, A., Di Giovanni, G. Prevost, M. 2012. Total and infectious Cryptosporidium oocyst and total Giardia cyst concentrations from distinct agricultural and urban contamination sources in Eastern Canada. Journal of Water and Health. 10 (1): 147-160.

Lancelot C., Grosjean P., Rousseau V., Breton E and P. M. Glibert. 2012. Rejoinder to ‘‘Perils of correlating CUSUM-transformed variables to infer ecological relationships (Breton et al. 2006; Glibert 2010)’’Limnol. Oceanogr., 57(2) : 669-670.

Lliros, M., Descy, J.P., Libert, X. Morana, C., Schmitz, M., Wimba, L., Nzavuga-Izere, A., Garcia-Armisen, T., Borrego, Servais, P. & Darchambeau, F. 2012. Microbial ecology of Lake Kivu. In Lake Kivu: Limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake (Descy, J.P., Darchambeau, F., Schmid, M., Eds) Aquatic Ecology Series, Springer. Chapter 6: 85-106.

Lucas, F., Goncalves, A., Servais, P., Rocher, V., Masnada, S., Thérial, C. Lesage, L., Mouchel, J.M Variabilité de la qualité microbiologique des eaux usées brutes dans une grande agglomération. Techniques, Sciences, Méthodes. 2012. 4: 44-55.

Nola, M., Eheth, J.S., Nougang, M.E., Moungang, M.L., Noah Ewoti1, O.V., Krier, F., Chihib, N.E., Servais, P., Hornez, J.P. & Njiné, T. 2012. Assessment of in-situ abundance dynamics of enterobacteria and total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria in groundwater in the equatorial region of Central Africa. Water SA. 38: 737-745.

Stoquart, C., Servais, P., Bérubé, P. & Barbeau, B. Hybrid membrane processes with activated carbon for drinking water: a review. Journal of Membrane Science. 2012. 411-412: 1-12.


I.F. George, E. Bouhajja and S.N. Agathos (2011). Metagenomics for bioremediation. In: M. Moo Young, Editor, Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, Volume 6 – Environmental Biotechnology and Safety, pp. 47-57. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, ISBN:  978-0-44-453352-4.

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L.C. Parsley, J. Linneman, A. Goode, K. Becklund, I. F. George, R. M. Goodman, N. Lopanik, and M. R. Liles. (2011). Polyketide synthase pathways identified from an arrayed metagenomic library are derived from soil Acidobacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 78(1): 176-187.

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de Brauwere, A., de Brye, B., Servais, P., Passerat, J. & Deleersnijder, E. 2011. Modelling Escherichia coli concentrations in the tidal Scheldt River and Estuary. Water Research. 2011. 2724-2738.

Dumont, I., V. Schoemann, F. Masson, S.H.M. Jacquet, and S. Becquevort. Bacterial remineralization in epipelagic and mesopelagic waters in Sub-Antarctic and Polar frontal zones south of Tasmania. Deep-Sea Research II. 58, 2212-2221.

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Garcia-Armisen, T., Vercammen, K, Passerat, J., Triest, D., Servais, P. and Cornelis, P. 2011. Antimicrobial resistance of heterotrophic bacteria in sewage-contaminated rivers. Water Research. 45 : 788-796.

Gypens N., Lacroix G., Lancelot C., Borges A. 2011. Seasonal and inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes and seawater carbonate chemistry in the Southern North Sea, Progress in Oceanography. 88: 59-77

Hassler, C.S., V. Schoemann, C.A.M. Nichols, E.C.V. Butler and P.W. Boyd. 2011. Saccharides enhance iron bioavailability to Southern Ocean phytoplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108 (3), 1076-1081

Lancelot, C.,V. Thieu, A. Polard, J. Garnier, G. Billen, W. Hecq, N. Gypens. 2011. Cost assessment and ecological effectiveness of nutrient reduction options for mitigating Phaeocystis colony blooms in the Southern North Sea: an integrated modeling approach. Science of the Total Environment. 409(11):2179-91.

Lancelot, C. & Muylaert, K. 2011. Trends in estuarine phytoplankton ecology. In Wolanski, E. et al. (Ed.). Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science: 7. Functioning ecosystems at the land-ocean interface. Elsevier: Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-12-374711-2.

Lannuzel, D., A. Bowie, T. Remenyi, P. Lam, A. Townsend, E. Ibisanmi, E. Butler, T. Wagener and V. Schoemann. 2011. Distributions of dissolved and particulate iron in the sub-Antarctic and Polar Frontal Southern Ocean (Australian sector). Deep-Sea Research II. 58, 2094-2112.

Lebaron, P., Cournoyer, B., Lemarchand, K. Nazaret, S. & Servais, P. 2011. Chapitre 15. Environnement et microorganismes pathogènes de l’Homme. Dans « Ecologie Microbienne, microbiologie des milieux naturels et anthopisés». Presses Universitaires de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. ISBN 2-35311-022-3. 2011. pp 659-701.

Ouattara K. N., Passerat, J. and Servais, P. 2011. Faecal contamination of water and sediment in the rivers of the Scheldt drainage network. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 183 : 243-257.

Petrou, K., M.A. Doblin, P.J. Ralph, C.S. Hassler, K. Shelly, V. Schoemann, S. Wright, R. van den Enden. 2011. Iron-limitation and high light on phytoplankton populations from the Australian Sub-Antarctic zone (SAZ). Deep-Sea Research II. 58, 2200-2211.

Passerat, J. Ouattara, K., Mouchel, J.M., Rocher, V. and Servais , P. 2011. Impact of an intense combined sewer overflow event on the microbiological water quality of the Seine River. Water Research. 45 : 893-903.


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M.R. Liles, O. Turkmen, B. F. Manske, M. Zhang, J.-M. Rouillard, I. George, T. Balser, N. Billor and R.M. Goodman. (2010).A phylogenetic microarray targeting 16S rRNA genes from the bacterial division Acidobacteria reveals a lineage-specific distribution in a soil clay fraction. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42: 739-47.

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Le Clainche, Y., A. Vezina, M. Levasseur, R. Cropp, J. Gunson, S. Vallina, M. Vogt, C. Lancelot, I. Allen, S. Archer, L. Bopp, C. Deal, S. Elliott, M. Jin, G. Malin, V. Schoemann, R. Simo, K. Six, and J. Stefels. 2010. A first appraisal of prognostic ocean DMS models and prospects for their use in climate models. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 24, GB3021, doi:10.1029/2009GB003721

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Nola, M., Nlep, R.R., Servais, P., Kemka1, N., Zebaze Togouet, S.H., Krier, F., Chihib, N.E., Hornez, J.P. & Njine, T. 2010. Assessment of the effects of sulfate and nitrate on the temporal evolution of Klebsiella Oxytoca and Stalphylococcus Aureaus abundance under shaking conditions in aqutic microcosm. Sciences de l’Eau. 23: 197-212

Nola, M., Noah Ewoti, O.V., Nougang, M., Moungang, M.L., Chihib, N.E., Krier, F R., Servais, P., Hornez, J.P. & Njine, T. 2010. Involvement of cell shape and flagella in bacterial retention during percolation of contaminanated water through soil columns in tropical region. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A. Toxic/Hazardous substance & Envieronmental Engineering. 45: 12971306.

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I.F. George, M.R. Liles, M. Hartmann, W. Ludwig, R.M. Goodman, S.N. Agathos. (2009). Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene on soil Acidobacteria communities. FEMS Microbiology Letters 296: 159-166.

B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, I. George, S.N. Agathos. (2009). Molecular tools for monitoring and validating bioremediation. In: A. Singh, R.C. Kuhad and O.P. Ward (eds) Advances in Applied Bioremediation, Soil Biology Series Volume 17, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 17, pp. 339-353. ISBN: 978-3-540-89620-3.

Astoreca R., Rousseau, V., Ruddick, K., Knechciak, C., VanMol, B., Parent, J.Y. and Lancelot, C. 2009. Development and application of an algorithm for detecting Phaeocystis globosa blooms in the Case 2 Southern North Sea waters. Journal of Plankton Research. 31: 287-300.

Astoreca R, Rousseau,V. & Lancelot,C. 2009. Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in Southern North Sea waters: Optical characterization and possible origin. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 85: 633-640.

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T. Jickells, M. C. Lohan, M. C. Nielsdóttir, G. Sarthou, V. Schoemann, J. M. Trapp, D. R. Turner, Y. Ye. 2009. Iron biogeochemistry across marine systems at changing times – conclusions from the workshop held in Gothenburg, Sweden (14 – 16 May 2008). Biogeosciences Discussion, 6, 6635-6694.

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Garcia-Armisen, T. & Servais, P. 2009. Partionning and fate of particle-associated E. coli in river waters. Water Environment Research. 81 (1): 21-28.

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B. Stenuit, L. Eyers, L. Schuler, S. Agathos, I. George (2008). Emerging high-throughput approaches to analyze bioremediation of hazardous and/or recalcitrant waste. Biotechnology Advances 26(6):561-575.

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Lancelot C., Lacroix G., Gypens N. and K. Ruddick. 2008. Ecological modeling as a scientific tool for assessing eutrophication and mitigation strategies for Belgian coastal waters. In: Current Status of Eutrophication in the Belgian Coastal Zone. V. Rousseau, C. Lancelot and D. Cox (Eds). Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, Bruxelles. Pp 91-110

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Roubeix V., Becquevort S., Lancelot C. 2008. Influence of bacteria and salinity on diatom biogenic silica dissolution in estuarine systems. Biogeochemistry. 88:47-62.

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Ruddick, K., Lacroix, G., Lancelot, C., Nechad, B., Park, Y., Peters, S. and Van Mol, B. 2008. Optical remote sensing of the North Sea. In “Remote Sensing of the European Seas”, edited by V. Barale and M. Gade, Springer Science, pp 79-90.

Schoemann V, de Jong JTM, Lannuzel D, Tison JL, Dellile B, Chou L., Lancelot C. & Becquevort S. 2008. Microbiological control on the cycling Fe and its isotopes in Antarctic sea ice. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 72 (12): 837.


Becquevort S., Lancelot, C. & Schoemann, V. 2007. The role of iron in the bacterial degradation of organic matter derived from Phaeocystis Antarctica. Biogeochemistry. 83: 119-135.

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Even, S., Mouchel, J.M., Servais, P., Flipo, N. Poulin, M., Blanc, S., Chabanel, M. & Paffoni, C. 2007. Modeling the impacts of combined sewer overflows on the river Seine water quality. Science of the Total Environment. 375: 140-151.

Etcheber, H., Taillez, A., Abril, G., Garnier, J., Servais, P., Moatar, F. & Commarieu M.V. 2007. Particulate organic carbon in the Estuarine Turbidity Maxima of the Gironde, Loire and Seine Estuaries: origin and lability. Hydrobiologia. 588: 245-259.

Garcia Armisen, T. & Servais, P. 2007. Respective contributions of point and non point sources of E. coli and Enterococci in a large urbanised watershed (the Seine river, France). Journal of Environmental Management. 82(4): 512-518.

Garcia-Armisen, T., Prats, J. & Servais, P. 2007. Comparison of culturable fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli enumeration in freshwaters. Can. J. Microbiol. 53 (6): 798-801.

Gypens N., Lacroix G. and C. Lancelot. 2007. Causes of variability of the diatoms and Phaeocystis blooms in the Belgian coastal waters between 1989 and 2003: a model study. J. Sea Res.57(1): 19-35.

Khattabi, H., Belle, E. Servais, P. & Aleya, L. 2007. Variations spatiales et temporelles des abondances bactériennes dans 4 bassins de traitement du lixiviat de la décharge d’Etueffont (Belfort, France). Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. 330: 429-438.

Lacroix G., Ruddick R., Gypens N. and C. Lancelot. 2007. Modelling the relative impact of rivers (Scheldt/Rhine/Seine) and Western Channel waters on the nutrient and diatoms/Phaeocystis distributions in Belgian waters (Southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 27(10-11): 14221446.

Lacroix G., Ruddick R., Park Y., Gypens N. and C. Lancelot. 2007. Validation of the 3D biogeochemical model MIRO&CO with field nutrient and phytoplankton data and MERIS-derived surface chlorophyll a images. J. Mar. Syst. 64(14): 66-88.

Lancelot C., Gypens N., Billen G., Garnier J. and Roubeix V. 2007. Testing an integrated river–ocean mathematical tool for linking marine eutrophication to land use: The Phaeocystis-dominated Belgian coastal zone (Southern North Sea) over the past 50 years. J. Mar. Syst. 64(14): 216-228.

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Touron, A., Berthe, T., Favennec, L., Leuraud, K., Servais, P. and Petit, F. 2007. Assessment of faecal contamination and the relationship between pathogens and faecal bacterial indicators in an estuarine environment (Seine, France). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54 : 1441-1450.

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 Astoreca, R., Rousseau, V. & Lancelot, C. 2006. Specific phytoplankton absorption variability and implication for chlorophyll a retrieval in Belgian waters (Southern North Sea). Proceedings of the meeting “MERIS and AATSR Calibration and Geophysical Validation”. ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. 20-24 March 2006.

Astoreca, R., Rousseau, V., Ruddick, K ., Parent, J.-Y., Van Mol, B. & Lancelot, C. 2006. Discriminating Phytoplankton Groups From Space: Is It Feasible In Case 2 Belgian Coastal Waters? Proceedings of the 18th Ocean Optics Conference, Montréal, Québec. 9-13 octobre 2006.

Astoreca R, K Ruddick, V Rousseau, B Van Mol, J-Y Parent & C Lancelot. 2006. Variability of the inherent and apparent optical properties in a highly turbid coastal area: Impact on the calibration of remote sensing algorithms. EARSeLe Proceedings, 5(1): 1-17.

Batté, M., Féliers, C., Servais, P., Gauthier, V., Joret, J.C. & Block, J.C. 2006. Coliforms and other microbial indicators occurrence in water and biofilm in full-scale distribution systems. Wat. Scie. Technol. 54(3) : 41-48.

Bele, C., Djafer, M., Servais, P. & Heim, V. 2006. Controlling biofouling potential of nanofiltration membranes by surface waters : new on-line monitoring tool. Proceedings Water Quality Technology Conference 2006 – American Water Works Association.

Breton E., Rousseau V., Parent J.-Y., Ozer J. and Lancelot C. 2006. Hydroclimatic modulation of diatom/Phaeocystis blooms in nutrient-enriched Belgian coastal waters (North Sea). Limnol. Oceanogr. 51(3) :1-14.

Even, S., Ficht, A., Thouvenin, B., Garnier, J., Servais, P. and LeHir, P. 2006. Modelling the carbon cycle in the turbidity maximum of the Seine estuary. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29(5): 2263-2266.

Garcia-Armisen, T. Thouvenin, B. & Servais, P. 2006. Modelling the faecal coliforms dynamics in the Seine estuary, France. Wat. Scie. Technol. 54(3) : 177-184.

Joaquim-Justo, C., Pirlot, S., Viroux, L., Servais, P. Thomé, J.P. & Descy, J.P. 2006. Trophic links in the lowland river Meuse (Belgium): assessing the role of bacteria and protozoans in the planktonic foodweb. Journal of Plankton Research. 28 (9): 857-870.

Lannuzel D., de Jong J., Schoemann V., Trevena A., Tison J-L & Chou L. 2006. Development of a sampling and flow injection analysis technique for iron determination in the sea ice environment. Analytica Chimica Acta. 556: 476–483.

Nola, M., Nijne, T., Kemka, N, Zébazé, Togouet, S.H, Servais, P., Messouli, M, and Boutin, C. 2006. Retention of staphylococci and total coliforms during wastewater percolation through equatorial soil in

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Nola, M., Nijne, T., Kemka, N, Zébazé Togouet, S.H, Servais, P., Messouli, M., Boutin, C., Monkiedje, A. & Foto Menbohan, S. 2006. Transfert des bactéries fécales vers une nappe phréatique à travers une colonne de sol en région équatoriale : influence de la charge en eau appliquée en surface. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau. 19 (2) : 101-112.

Pirlot, S., Descy, J.P. & Servais, P. 2006. Correction of biomass estimates for heterotrophic microorganisms in Lake Tanganyika. Freshwater Biology. 51: 984-985.

Ruddick, K., Lacroix, G., Park Y., Rousseau, V., De Cauwer, V. & S. Sterckx. 2006. Overview of Ocean Colour: Theoretical background, sensors and applicability for the detection and monitoring of harmful algae blooms (capabilities and limitations). In : Real-time coastal observing systems for ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms, M. Babin, C.S. Roesler and J.J. Cullen, eds. UNESCO Publishing, Paris, France.

Servais, P. & Garnier, J. 2006. Organic carbon and bacterial heterotrophic activity in the Seine estuary maximum turbidity zone (France). Aquatic Sciences. 68: 78-85.


Astoreca, R., Rousseau, V., Ruddick, K., Van Mol, B., Parent, J.-Y. and C. Lancelot. 2005. Optical properties of algal blooms in an eutrophicated coastal area and its relevance to remote sensing. Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on « Remote sensing of the coastal oceanic environment ». San Diego, U.S.A. 31 July-1st August 2005.

Bele, C., Servais, P., Democrate, C., Coriton, G., Djafer, M & Heim, V. 2005. Assessment of biofouling potential of surface waters for nanofiltration: a new technique to assess bacterial deposit Proceedings Water Quality Technology Conference 2005 – American Water Works Association eds.

Besner, M.C., Gauthier, V., Servais, P. & Camper, A. 2005. Explaining the occurrence of coliforms in distribution systems. In : « Water Quality in the Distribution System ». American Water Works Association. Ed. p27-63.

Billen, G., Garnier, J. and V. Rousseau. 2005. Nutrient fluxes and water quality in the drainage network of the Scheldt basin over the last 50 years. Hydrobiologia. 540: 47-67.

Cotte, M., Pele, B., Gatel, D., Cavard, J. & Servais, P. 2005. Distributed water quality after three years of nanofiltration. In : « Water Quality in the Distribution System ». American Water Works Association. Ed. p143-156.

de Baar H. and 31 co-authors among which Lancelot C. 2005. Synthesis of 8 Iron fertilization Experiments: from the Iron Age in the Age of Enlightenment. J. Geophys. Res.- Oceans. 110 (C9): Art. No. C09S16 SEP 28 2005.

Féliers, C., Batté, M., Servais, P., Gauthier, V. & Block, J.C. Biofilm and microbial drinking water quality in full scale distribution systems. Proceedings American Water Works Association Conference 2005.

Garcia-Armisen, T., Lebaron, P. & Servais, P. 2005. ß-D-glucuronidase activity assay to assess viable Escherichia coli abundance in freshwaters. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 40: 278-282.

Garcia-Armisen, T., Touron, A., Petit, F. & Servais, P. 2005. Sources of microbiological contamination in the Seine estuary (France). Estuaries. 28: 627-633.

Joux, F., Servais, P., Naudin, J.J., Lebaron, P., Oriol, L. and Courties, C. 2005. Distribution of picophytoplankton along a river plume gradient in the Mediterranean Sea. Life and Environment. 55: 197-208.

Lancelot, C, Spitz, Y, Gypens, N, Ruddick, K, Becquevort, S, Rousseau, V, Lacroix G & Billen, G. 2005. Modelling diatom-Phaeocystis blooms and nutrient cycles in the Southern Bight of the North Sea: the MIRO model. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 289: 63-78.

Laurent, P., Barbeau, B. & Servais, P. 2005. Evaluating the impacts of treatment modifications on regrowth potential in distribution systems: a new screening procedure using water quality modeling. Urban Water. 2(2): 81-92

Laurent, P., Servais P., Gauthier, V., Prevost, M., Joret, J.C. & Block, J.C. 2005. Biodegradable organic matter and bacteria in drinking water distribution systems. Chapter 4 in : Biodegradable Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution. Prevost, M. et al. eds. AWWA Publisher. pp 147-204.

Laurent, P., Besner, M.C., Servais, P., Gauthier, V., Prévost, M. & Camper, A. 2005. Water quality in drinking water distribution systems. Chapter 5 in : Biodegradable Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution. Prevost, M. et al. eds. AWWA Publisher. pp 205-284.

Lebaron, P., Henry, A., Lepeuple, A-S., Pena, G. & Servais, P. 2005. An operational method for real-time monitoring of E. coli in bathing waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 50 : 652-659.

Nola, M., Nijne, T., Boutin, C., Servais, P., Messouli, M, Monkiedje, A., Zébazé Togouet, S.H. and Kemka, N. 2005. Sorption kinteics of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp on two soil layers associated with groundwater table in Yaounde, Cameroon (Central Africa). Int. J. Environm. Res. Public Health. 2(3): 447-455.

Pasquer, B, Laruelle, G., Becquevort, S., Schoemann, V., Goosse, H & Lancelot, C. 2005 Linking Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystem Structure and Function: Results of the Complex Swamco-4 Model. J. Sea Res. 53: 93-108.

Prévost, M., Laurent, P., Servais P. & Joret, J.C. 2005. General Conclusion. Chapter 6 in : Biodegradable Organic Matter in Water Treatment and Distribution. Prevost, M. et al. eds. AWWA Publisher. pp 285-292.

Pirlot, S., Vandreheyden, J., Descy, J.P. & Servais, P. 2005. Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic micro-organisms in Lake Tanganyika. Freshwater Biology. 50: 1219-1232.

Schoemann, V., Becquevort, S., Stefels, J., Rousseau, V. and Lancelot, C. 2005. Phaeocystis blooms in the global ocean and their controlling mechanisms: a review. J. Sea Research. 53 : 43-66

Servais, P., Garcia Armisen, T., Lepeuple, A.S. & Lebaron, P. 2005. An early warning method to detect fecal contamination of river waters. Annals of Microbiology. 55 (2): 67-72.

Servais, P., Prevost, M., Laurent, P., Joret, J.C., Summers, S., Hambsch, B. & Ventresque, C. 2005 Biodegradable organic matter in drinking water treatment. Chapter 3 in: Biodegradable Organic Matter in Drinking Water Water Treatment and Distribution. Prevost, M. et al. eds. AWWA Publisher. pp 61-146.


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Dehairs, F., Lancelot, C., Andre, L., Frankignoulle, M., Deleersnijder, E., Becquevort, S., Cardinal, D., Cattaldo, T., Delille, B., Elskens, M., Fagel, N., Goosse, H., Navez, J., Probst, G., Schoemann, V. 2003. An Integrated Approach to Assess Carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean. BELCANTO. In Marine Biota and Global Change report (1997-2001). OSTC publications pp59-160.

Gatel, D., Cotte, M., Pele, B., Mercier, M. & Servais, P. Nanofiltration : long term effect on distribution. Proceedings American Water Works Association Conference 2003.

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Laurent, P. Barbeau, B. Prévost, M. & Servais, P. 2003. A bench-scale evaluation of different treatment options to produce bio-stable drinking water. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 2 : 236-247.

Laurent, P., Kihn, A., Andersson, A. & Servais, P. 2003. Impact of backwashing on nitrification in biological activated carbon filters used in drinking water treatment. Environmen. Technol. 24 : 277-287.

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Rousseau, V., Breton, E., de Wachter, B., Beji, A., Deconinck, M., Huijgh, J., Bolsens, T., Leroy, D., Jans, S., and Lancelot, C. 2003. Identification of Belgian maritime zones affected by Eutrophication (IZEUT). Final Report. OSTC publications.

Servais, P., Casamayor, E., Courties, C., Catala, P., Parthuisot, N. & Lebaron, P. 2003. Activity and diversity of high and low nucleic acid bacterial cells. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 33 : 41-51.

Tungaraza, C., Rousseau, V., Brion, N., Lancelot, C., Gichusi, J., Bayens, W & Goyens, L. 2003. Contrasting nitrogen uptake by diaton and Phaeocystis-dominated phytoplankton assembleges in the North Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 292(1): 19-41.

Tungaraza, C., Brion, N., Rousseau, V., Bayens, W & Goyens, L. 2003. Influence of bacterial activities on nitrogen uptake rates determined by the application of antobiotics. Oceanologia. 45(3): 473-489.

Tusseau-Vuillemin, M.H., Dispan, J., Mouchel, J.M. and Servais, P. 2003. Bodegradable fraction of organic carbon estimated under oxic and anoxic conditions. Water Research. 37: 2242-2247.

Touron, A., Berthe, T., Servais, P. & Petit, F. 2003. Contamination bactérienne d’origine fécale et présence d’Escherichia coli en estuaire de Seine (France). Journal de Recherche Oéanographique. 28 (1-2) : 127-134.


Beckers J.-M., Gregoire M., Nihoul J.C.J., Stanev E., Staneva J. and C. Lancelot. 2002 Modelling the Danube-influenced North-western continental shelf of the Black Sea: I Hydrodynamical processes simulated by 3D and box models. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.54: 453-472.

Becquevort S., Bouvier T., Lancelot C., Cauwet G., Deliat G., Egorov V. N. , Popovichev V.N. 2002. The seasonal modulation of the organic matter utilization by bacteria in the Danube-Black Sea mixing zone. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.54: 337-354.

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Cauwet, G., Déliat, G., Krastev, A., Shtereva, G., Becquevort, S., Lancelot, C., Momzikoff, A., Saliot, A., Cociastu, A. & Popa, L. 2002. Saesonal DOC accumulation in the Black Sea : a regional explanation for a general mechanism. Marine Chemistry. 79 : 193-205.

Cotte, M., Pele, B., Gatel, D., Cavard, J. & Servais, P. 2002. Distributed water quality after 3 years of nanofiltration. Proceedings Water Quality Technology Conference 2002 -American Water Works Association.

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George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2002. Fecal coliforms removal in wastewater treatment plants studied by plate counts and enzymatic methods. Wat. Res. 36: 2607-2617.

George I. & Servais, P. 2002. Contamination microbienne des eaux du bassin de la Seine. In : “Eau dans la ville et développement durable » Presses des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. pp 75-85.

Kihn, A., Andersson, A., Laurent, P., Servais, P. & Prévost, M. 2002. Impact of filtration material on nitrification in biological filters used in drinking water production. Journal of Water Supply, Research and Technology – Aqua. 51: 35-46

Lancelot, C., Rousseau, V., Schoemann, V. and S. Becquevort. 2002. On the ecological role of the different life forms of Phaeocystis. Proceedings of the EC workshop LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Calvia, Majorca, Spain, octobre 2001. Research in Enclosed Seas series. Vol 12 : 71-75.

Lancelot C., Martin, J-M., Panin, N., Zaitsev, Y. 2002. The north-western Black Sea: a pilot site to understand the complex interaction between human activities and the coastal environment. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 54 : 279-284

Lancelot, C., J. Staneva, D. Van Eeckhout, Beckers, J.M. & Stanev, E. 2002. Modelling the Danubeinfluenced North-western continental shelf of the Black Sea: II: Ecosystem response to changes in nutrient delivery by the Danube river after its damming in 1972. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 473-499.

Lebaron, P., Servais, P., Baudoux A.C., Bourrain M., Courties, C. & Parthuisot, N. 2002. Variations of bacterial specific activity with cell-size and nucleic acid content assessed by flow cytometry. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 28: 131-140.

Lein, A., Pimenov, N., Guillou, C., Martin, J.M., Lancelot, C., Rusanov, I., Yusupov, S., Miller, Yu. & Ivanov, M. 2002. Seasonal dynamics of sulphate reducing rate on the north-western Black Sea Shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 385-401.

Peltier, S., Benezet, M., Gatel, D. Cavard, J & Servais, P. 2002. Improvement of water quality in distribution system by nanofiltration treatment. Aqua – Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. 51 : 253-262.

Ragueneau, O., C. Lancelot, V. Egorov, J. Vervlimmeren, A. Cociasu, G. Deliat, A. Krastev, N. Daoud, V. Rousseau, V. Popovitchev, N. Brion, L. Popa and G. Cauwet. 2002. Biogeochemical transformations of inorganic nutrients in the mixing zone between the Danube river and the Northwestern Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 321-336.

Rompré, A., Laurent, P & Servais P. 2002. Détection et énumération des coliformes dans l’eau potable: une revue des méthodes existantes. Vecteur Environnement. 3 : 58-66

Rompré, A., Servais, P., Baudart, J., De Roubin, M.R. & Laurent, P. 2002. Methods of detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water : a review. J. Microbiol. Methods. 49(1): 31-54

Rousseau, V. 2002. The life cycle of HAB forming haptophytes. Proceedings of the EC workshop LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Calvia, Majorca, Spain, octobre 2001. Research in Enclosed Seas series. Vol. 12 : 22-26.

Rousseau, V., Leynaert, A., Daoud, N & Lancelot, C. 2002. Diatom succession, silicification and silicic acid availability in Belgian coastal waters (Southern North Sea). Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 236: 6173

Servais, P., Laurent, P. & Gatel, D. 2002. Removal of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon in BAC filters : a modelling approach. Proceedings of the IWA Conference on BAC filtration. Delft 2002.

Stanev, E. V., J. M. Beckers, C. Lancelot, J. V. Staneva, E., P.Y. Le Traon, L. Peneva and M. Gregoire 2002. Coastal-open ocean exchange in the Black Sea: observations and modeling. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 601-620.

Trousselllier, M., Schaffer, H., Batailler, N., Bernard, L., Courties, C., Lebaron, P., Muyzer, G., Servais, P. and Vives-Rego J. 2002. Bacterial activity and genetic richness along an estuarine gradient (Rhône river plume, France). Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 28: 13-24.


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Becquevort S. & Smith W.O.Jr. 2001. Aggregation, sedimentation and biodegradability of phytoplankton-derived material during spring in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep Sea Research II: 41554178

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George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Use of rapid enzymatic assays to study the distribution of fecal coliforms in the Seine river (France). Water Science and Technology. 43(12): 7780

George, I., Crop, P. & Servais, P. 2001. Use of ß-D-galactosidase and ß-D-glucuronidase activities to estimate the microbiological contamination of wastewater. Can. J. Microbiol. 47 : 670-675.

George, I., M. Petit, C. Theate & P. Servais. 2001. Distribution of coliforms in the Seine river and estuary (France) Estuaries. 24 :984-1002

Hannon, E., Boyd, P.W., Silvoso, M., & C. Lancelot. 2001. Modeling the bloom evolution and carbon flows during SOIREE: Implications for future in situ iron-enrichments in the southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research-II 48: 2745-2773.

Lebaron, P., P. Servais, M. Troussellier, C. Courties, G. Muyzer, L. Bernard, H. Schäfer R. Pukall, E. Stackebrandt, T. Guindulain & J. Vives-Rego. 2001. Microbial community dynamics in Mediterranean nutrient enriched seawater mesocosms : changes in bacterial abundance, activity and composition. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 34 : 255-266.

Lebaron, P., Servais, P., Agogué, H., Courties, C. & Joux, F. 2001. Does the high nucleic-aid content of individual bacterial cells allow to discriminate active cells in aquatic systems ? Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67: 1775-1782.

Leynaert, A., P. Tréguer, C. Lancelot & M. Rodier. 2001. Silicon limitation of biogenic silica production in the Equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 48: 639-660.

Niquette, P., Servais, P. & Savoir, R. 2001. Bacterial dynamics in the drinking water distribution system of Brussels. Water Research. 35 : 675-682.

Olsen, Y., Reinertsen, H., Vadstein, O., Andersen, T., Gismervick, I., Duarte, C., Agusti, S., Stibor, H., Sommer, U.? Lignell, R., Tamminene, T., Lancelot, C., Rousseau, V., Hoell, E. & Sanderud, K.A. 2001. Comparative analysis of food web based on flow networks: effects of nutrient supply on structure and function of coastal plankton communities. Continental Shelf Research. 21: 2043-2053

Schäffer, H., L ; Bernard, C. Courties, P. Lebaron, P. Servais, R. Pukall, E. Stackebrandt, M. Troussellier, T. Guindulain, J. Vives-Rego & G. Muyzer. 2001. Microbial community dynamics in Mediterranean nutrient enriched seawater mesocosms : changes in the genetic diversity of bacterial populations. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 34 : 243-253.

Schoemann, V., R. Wollast, L. Chou and C. Lancelot. 2001. Effects of photosynthesis on the accumulation of Mn and Fe by Phaeocystis colonies. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46: 1065-1076.

Servais, P., Anzil, A. & Frébutte, D. 2001 Estimation de la biomasse bactérienne dans les efluents urbains par mesure de l’activité exoprotéolytique potentielle. Sciences de l’Eau. 14: 55-62.

Servais, P., Agogué, H., Courties, C., Joux, F. & Lebaron, P. 2001. Are the actively respiring cells (CTC+) those responsible of bacterial production in aquatic environments ? FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 35: 171-179.


Becquevort S, Menon, P., Lancelot, C. 2000. Differences of the protozoan biomass and grazing during spring and summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology. 5: 309-320

Bernard L., Courties C., Servais P.,Troussellier M., Petit, M. & Lebaron P. 2000. Relationships between bacterial cell size, productivity and genetic diversity in aquatic environments using cell sorting and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology. 40: 148-158.

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Gasparini, S., M.-H. Daro, E. Antajan, M. Tackx, V. Rousseau, J.-Y. Parent & C. Lancelot. 2000. Mesozooplankton grazing during the Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. J. Sea Res. 43: 345-356.

Garnier J., Billen G., Sanchez N. & Leporcq B. 2000. Ecological functioning of the Marne reservoir (upper Seine bassin, France). Regulated rivers: Research and management. 16: 51-71.

Gatel, D, Servais, P., Block, J.C., Bonne, P. & Cavard J. 2000. Microbiological water quality management in the Parisian suburbs distribution system. Aqua – Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology. 49: 231-241.

George, I., M. Petit & P. Servais. 2000. Use of enzymatic methods for rapid enumeration of coliforms in freshwaters. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 88 : 404-413.

Kihn, A., Laurent P. & P. Servais. 2000. Measurement of fixed nitrifying biomass in biological filters used in drinking water production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24: 161-167.

Lancelot C., Hannon E., Becquevort S., Veth C. and H. J. W. de Baar. 2000. Modeling phytoplankton blooms and carbon export production in the Southern Ocean: Dominant controls by light and iron of the Atlantic sector in Autral spring 1992. Deep Sea Research-I, 47 : 1621-1662.

Niquette, P., P. Servais & R. Savoir. 2000. Impacts of pipe materials on densities of fixed bacterial biomass in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research. 34 : 1952-1956.

Petit, M., George, I. & Servais, P. 2000. Survival of Escherichia coli in freshwaters: ß-D glucuronidase activity measurements ans characterization of cellular states. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 46: 679-684.

Rousseau, V., S. Becquevort, J.Y. Parent, S. Gasparini, M.-H. Daro, M. Tackx & C. Lancelot. 2000. Trophic efficiency of the planktonic food web in a coastal ecosystem dominated by Phaeocystis colonies. J. Sea Res. 43:357-372.

Schäffer, H., P. Servais & G. Muyzer. 2000. Successional changes in the genetic diversity of a marine bacterial assemblage during confinement. Archives of Microbiology. 173 : 138-145.

Servais, P., Gosselain, V., Joaquim-Justo, C., Becquevort, S., Thomé, J.P. & Descy, J.P. 2000. Trophic relationships between planktonic micro-organisms in the river Meuse (Belgium): a carbon budget. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 149: 625-653.